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When you change your awareness
You change your karma.

Karma is your current awareness:
It is the level of consciousness
That you are presently experiencing,
Right here and now!

The karma of your current awareness has
Been shaped by the experiences that you have
Had in this and in all of your other lifetimes.

If you would like to improve your karma,
If you would like to experience deeper
Levels of happiness and ecstacy,
Then you must expand your
Awareness into light!

Changing your karma means letting go
Of your current personality
And upgrading it to a more
Lucid personality which
Is brighter and deeper
Than the personality You have now.

You need to start,
Participate in,
And win
A revolution
Within your own mind,
Which will oust the despotic
Dictator “Ego!”

Meditate upon the all perfect
Light within your own mind!
Do this repeatedly and the radiant
Bodhisattvas of Wisdom and Laughter
Will visit you and change your karma forever!
