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Meditation is the bridge between this
And all other levels of consciousness;
Practicing meditation makes you aware of
Your eternally enlightened nature.

Sit in meditation until
Your mind becomes empty;
Sit in meditation without thought
And the winds of consciousness will
Blow visions of radiant worlds of light
Before your inner eyes.

By practicing meditation you will gradually
Change the limited view that you have of yourself;
This misunderstanding of who and what you are
Is the cause of all of your pain.

Your personality identifies itself
With your physical body:
It believes that it
Came into existence at the
Time of your physical birth,
And that it ill cease to exist
At the time of your physical death.
Your personality doesn’t realize that beneath
The transient surface of your physical body,
You have another body that is made up of eternal
Light that cannot be born and cannot die!
It is made up of the ecstatic everythingness
And the eternal nothingness of nirvana!

By practicing meditation you will come to see
That the true nature of the real you,
The body of light,
Is everlasting bliss!
So push past sorrow and pain
Because within you is ecstatic
Life everlasting!
