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Written by Rama/Frederick Lenz:

  • The Last Incarnation
  • Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation
  • Meditation: The Bridge Is Flowing But The River Is Not
  • Insights: Tantric Buddhist Reflections On Life
  • Snowboarding To Nirvana
  • Surfing The Himalayas
  • The Wheel Of Dharma


  • The Art Of Dreaming - Carlos Castaneda
  • The Art Of War - Sun Tzu, Translated by Samuel B. Griffith
  • Autobiography Of A Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
  • Bhagavad Gita - Translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood
  • The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Buddha's Lions: The Lives Of The 84 Siddhas
  • A Buddhist Bible - Dwight Goddard
  • Buddhist Scriptures - Edward Conze
  • The Buddhist Handbook - John Snelling
  • The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield
  • Dhammapada: Sayings Of The Buddha - Thomas Byrom
  • Fundamentals Of Mainstream Buddhism - Eric Cheetham
  • Golf In The Kingdom - Michael Murphy
  • Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna - M
  • The Great Path Of Awakening - Jamgon Kongtrul
  • Highest Yoga Tantra - Daniel Cozort
  • The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
  • How To Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms Of Patanjali - Swami Prabhavanada
  • How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
  • I Ching - Wilhelm/Baynes
  • Illusions - Richard Bach
  • Imajica - Clive Barker
  • IT - Stephen King
  • Jonathan Livingstons Seagull - Richard Bach
  • Journey To Ixtlan: The Lessons Of Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda
  • A Journey To Ladakh - Andrew Harvey
  • The Kingdom Of Shivas Irons - Michael Murphy
  • The Large Sutra Of Perfect Wisdom - Edward Conze
  • The Last Temptation Of Christ - Nikos Kazantzakis
  • The Life and Teaching Of Naropa - Herbert V. Guenther
  • Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Lord Of The Rings (Trilogy)- J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Mahabharata - William Buck
  • The Masks Of God; Oriental Mythology - Joseph Campbell
  • Masters Of Enchantment: Lives & Legends Of The Mahasiddhas - Keith Dowman
  • The Middle Length Disclosures Of The Buddha - Bhikkhu Nanamoli
  • Oh, The Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss
  • The Power of Silence: Further Lessons Of Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda
  • Ramayana - William Buck
  • Samurai Selling - Laughlin And Sage
  • The Second Ring Of Power - Carlos Castaneda
  • A Separate Reality - Carlos Castaneda
  • Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
  • The Song Of God: Bhagavad-Gita
  • The Sorcerers Crossing: A Woman's Journey - Taisha Abelar
  • The Stand - Stephen King
  • Tales Of Power - Carlos Castaneda
  • The Talisman - Steven King
  • The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet - John Blofeld
  • The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castaneda
  • Tibet's Great Yogi Milerapa - W.Y. Evans-Wentz
  • Tibetan Book Of Great Liberation - W.Y. Evans-Wentz
  • The Tibetan Book Of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
  • The Tibetan Book Of The Dead - W.Y. Evans-Wentz
  • Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines - W.Y. Evans-Wentz
  • Thriving On Chaos - Tom Peters
  • Ulysses - James Joyce
  • United We Stand - Ross Perot
  • Walden And "Civil Disobedience" - Henry David Thoreau
  • The Way Of Life - Lao Tsu
  • Zen Mind, Beginners Mind - Shunryn Suzuki


  • The Art Book - Phaidon Press Limited
  • Awakening Your Psychic Powers(Edgar Cayce Guide) - Henry Reeed, Ph.D.
  • The Blank Canvas - Anna Held Audette
  • The Bridge Across Forever - Richard Bach
  • Colour Therapy, The Use Of Colour For Health And Healing) - Pauline Wills
  • The Complete Illustrated Guide To Feng Shui - Lillian Too
  • Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia Of Healing - Reba Ann Karp
  • Feng Shui, Step By Step - T. Raphael Simons
  • A Hatful Of Seuss - Dr. Seuss
  • Hooray For Diffendoofer Day! - Dr. Seuss, Jack Prelutsky, Lane Smith
  • Memories, Dreams, Reflections - Carl G. Jung
  • Mysteries Of Atlantis Revisited(Edgar Cayce Guide) - E. Cayce, G. Schwartzer, D. Richards
  • Oh, The Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss
  • Seuss-isms, Wise And Witty Prescriptions For Living - Dr. Seuss
  • Training The Mind, And Cultivating Loving-Kindness - Chogyam Trungpa
  • Wild Ways, Zen Poems Of Ikkyu - Translated By John Stevens

    Other Book Sites:

  • Surfing The Himalayas/Snowboarding to Nirvana
  • Dharma Publishing
  • Snow Lion Publishing
  • Shambhala
  • Barnes & Noble
