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All grown up...

Zoe brushed her long, dark locks in a dream.

'You get that from your father' Her mother had explained. 'The only one in the family with dark hair...'

Her blue eyes remained on the picture of three handsom teenagers grinning happily at the camra.

'All grown up now...' she thought wistfully 'all grown up...' Her thoughts were brocken by a loud voice down the stairs.

"Zoe! Come on! We'l be late!" Dropping the brush to the floor, and picking up her bag she ran from the room.

"There you are!" Mrs Hanson was in a flurry, rushing around like a mad woman, trying to get her troop organised so they would get to the airport in time.

"Come on dear, hop in!" Together they jumped into the van, which was already filled with three other Hanson children. Macenzie nibbled at a packet of nacos while tapping his foot to what ever he called the stuff coming out of his head phones.

'its called 'klink' Zoe, its totely the hype now, man, you have no idea!' He had told her once. Whatever it was called it was revolting, nothing more than remix's of drum's and a few screams and guitars in the background.

Beside him sat Jason and Leim.

"Hey look mum!" Leim yelled, despite the fact she could have herd him if he had wispered.

"I found this!!" The exited 12 year old held up a worn but furmiliar CD.

"Oh my, I havent seen that for goodness knows how long!" She laughed, looking into the rear-view mirror at the 'Middle of no were' albame her son was holding.

"Can we put it on?" Jason asked timidly, leaning ford slightly so he could wisper to his mother.

"Iv never heard this one..."She smiled and nodded, then placing the Cd into the cars sterio, she hushed Macs music so he himself could 'be reminded of what 'real' music was'.

Every song was strang to Zoe. She diddn't remember this time in her brothers life. Never the 'innocent' youth, always the roudy teens.espectualy Zac, He was always getting into some sort of trouble. But that was predictable, or so her mother had often said.

"Is that Zac mummy?" Jason asked when Lucy began.

"Sure is hon, when he was alot younger though, about your age boys, yes, about eleven..."The twins grinned at each other.

"Can we be famouse mum? If Zacy was famouse when he was eleven then we could be too right mum? Can we, huh? Can we? I can be the singer, and you can play drums like Zac does Jason, and Zoe cant do nofink cause she's a girl and she's not aloud and...!" Leims blabbering was silenced by his mother sternly telling him to quitten it down, but both she and Zoe smiled at the way the boys idelised Their brothers, espectualy Zac, mostly because they related to him the most out of the three.

Leim was Zacs wacky side, and Jason was his quite and hidden side.

"Their his two halfs."Mrs Hanson had said. It did work perfectly, she admitted.

Ignoring the noise of Leims re-fuled idea about being Zac, she focesed on the songs again.

They were all so touching, each one for a different reason. In some it made her laugh, others she wanted to sobb.

No, she had never known this side of her brothers, she had always been 'little Zoe'. Although they undoubtable loved her, she was always their baby sister.

After they got big around the world, they just kept making more and more records, each one did well, very well more often than not, and that ment they had to leave to go on tour. By the time she was about 6 the guys were older, and all desided Hanson was finished, and that it was time to try it on their own, so they did, each doing as expected, great.

Now, she almost wished that they would fail, if only so they would come back home for more than a month each year.

"Here we are then...!"Mrs Hanson said said merrily.

Clambering out of the van, Zoes slim legs landed daintely onto the pavment. Around her planes wooshed over her head, startling her each time.

"Woah! Did you see that!?" Mac asked, totely intraled by the sight of the huge 7 engine planes designed to hold over a thousand people at a time.

"Yeah, cool!"Said said with a smile, also grinning after Jason and Leim, who at this point were running at full speed down the corrador of the termanal, yelling 'excuse me' when ever somebody got in their way, and threatened to be bolled over.

"What gate mum?" She asked as her mother stopped to clean the boys face's of the chocolet they had some how gotten there hands on.

"Um, 17 dear, that one right there" It was only a few gates down but she wanted to see them the minute they came into view.

"So, Zac,Tay, and Ike are all going to be on the same plane? As well as Jess and Averie?"Mac asked for the tenth time that morning. But with out impatiants Mrs Hanson just nodded.

"Yes, because of the concert, you know, the 'Hanson revived' concert? Yes well, Avie and Jessy wanted to go see it, and your father went there on a detour from his buisness trip to Calafornia for the companie.." Her explenation was meet with a nodd, the same nodd she reseved every time she explaned this to him, no doubt she would be doing it again in a few minutes.

"Hey, is that Taylor Hanson?" Zoe turned when she heard a girls voice, and her brothers name.

"Yeah I think it is!" Two girls about her age were buisy checking Mac out, pointing and giggiling, and, in Zoe's oppinion, making right fools of them selfs!
In a way she could see why they mistook Mac for Taylor, he did look alot like him, and in a way, they were simalar in personality. Apart from the typical teenage music he lisened to, Mac was genuanly a gentel and sweet person, much like Tay, and also, he had a flear for beat, and writing.

The twins on the other hand were totely Zac, even in the way they looked. But one thing they diddn't have with Zac was the bond he and Zoe sheared.

"Um, hello, I was wondering, could you tell me, Is there a miss Zoe G Hanson here?" In her dream she had totely forgotten her self, and instead of flocking to the gate when the plane arrived, she stood dumbly on the spot. But now, floating back to reality, she realised that somebody was specking to her.

"Huh....ZAC!" She flung her long arms around his neck, and laughed when he dropped his bags and spunn her around.

"Hey kiddo! How are yah? Iv missed you!" Letting her down she steped back to look at him.

"Oh me to! Wow you look so different!" She told him, examining the very hype ear length hair.

"Thank you, thank you, I try!" He said laughing and taking her hand. With another tap on her sholder she turned to find Taylor standing behind her.

"Tay!"She cried, pulling him into a hug.

"Zoe! Wow, your looking great! So grown up! Hows it been?" Taylor, same old darling Tay. His hair was the same lenght as Zac, and so was Ikes, or so Taylor said, he haddn't gotten off the plane yet.

"Part of the concert theme thing" Taylor laughed when he saw her examining it.

"Oh, yeah! Its cool!" Together they watched for the rest of the family, and smiled at the familur complants from Zac.

"We asked nicely if they would seat us together, but nooooooo they diddn't have six stinken seats together on a plane that size! I tell yah, they aint fans thats for sure!" Isaac stridded down with a woman Zoe remembered as Sarah on his arm, and beside them was Avery, Jessy, and their Father.

After alot of hugs, and a few scolding at Leim for trying to sneak on a plane, they all climed into one of the two Vans the Family owned.

"Lets go home mum" Taylor said from were he sat behind Zoe.

"Yeah, I cant wait to see how you handel us ALL under the same roof again!" Zac added with a laugh.

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