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Who do you love...

"Can you feel it?" Sarah asked as Zoe placed her hand on the bulging stomoch.

"Oh wow! Yeah I can! Sarah this is too cool, Im gunna be an aunty!" Again the baby kicked.

"Man, what is it like Sarah... to have a little baby growing inside must be so great..." She nodded.

"Whats better is that you are all here with me through this pregnecy. I would have gone mad by now if it wasn't for you guys" She slid out of the chair then pushed her self to her feet. For 5 months she was big enough to be carring thriplets.

"There must be an easyer way to be pregnet" Sarah laughed.

"If there is I wish someone had told me about it!" Mrs Hanson added as she walked into the room.

"Zoe honey, theres a phone call for you down stairs. One guess who it is!" Rolling her eyes she grined at her mother.

"Hi Zac!" She said cheerfully into the phone.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked innosently, chuckeling at her.

"Because you have already rung 5 times today and its not even lunch time yet!" Zoe told him matter-a-factly.

"Well I have to check up on you dont I? And make sure you dont run off to the curcise!"

"Fat chance, Zacy, Mum has me under close servailence, she wont even let me go out side!"

"Zo, even if she did let you go out side you wouldn't would you..." There was a long silence as Zoe thought about it.
It was true. Since she had had the cemo-theropie and lost her hair, she had taken refuge in the house. Everyone new her now, after the interview, the vidio, and now she was plastered in the mags labled;


Or her favourite;


So intead of facing the looks and pitty, for months she had locked her self away in the house, her excuse being to look after Sarah and the baby.
Zac, Tay and Ike had made their albame, and, much to Zacs destress, were then shiped off on a month long tour. She missed him, but thanks to his phone calls she never had a chance to feel lonley.

"I guess not..." She answered finely "I still dont think im ready, yah know?"

"Yeah...I know... But its been more than three months Zoe... You have to think about... getting out, doing some thing with your friends..."

"Like joining a curcise?" Zoe joked.

"Well if it gets you out of the house!"

"No thanks, I dont think I could handle being the only bald Lion taimer, or Acrobat!" Zac smiled.

"Well, at lest it would be orrigional!"

"Ha ha!" Zoe said sarcasticly.

"Hey Zo, why dont you come down here for a few days?" He asked suddenly.

"What, to LA?"

"Yeah! We are going to be doing the Grammies this friday, and it would be great for you to be there!"

"Nah, I dont think so..."

"Come on Zoe... This is a great oppertunitty to have some fun! And you your self said that you are feeling alot better... You are feeling better arnt you?" Zoe rested her heavy head in her palm.

"Yeah Zac, Im feeling great" She lyed.

"Well there you go then! If your feeling good then why not come down?"

"What about Sarah? And Mum, Dad, the boys!"

"Zoe they are not you responsability! And if your that worried then why dont we get them to come too?" Zoe nervously patted the hat on her head.

"I dunno Zac..."

"Go on Zoe... I miss yah heeps..." Zoe smiled.

'Typical Zac' She thought to her self 'he's always been good with the guilt trips'

"Oh alright! Ill come!"

"Yeah? Exelent! You can get on the next flight here!"

"The next flight there? Why is LA going some were or some thing? Gess Zac, thought you said it was on friday, thats a week away!"

"Zoe its Thursday! Which means tomorrows friday!"

"Oh..." Zac blushed "I have been inside to long!"

After arranging it with Mr an Mrs Hanson, the family was, like reqested by Zac, on the next flight to LA.


Once Zac had hung up from his mother, and had gotten rid of Taylor and Ike, Zac once again picked up the phone.

"Hello?" A female voice asked after a few rings.

"Wanna guess who, or should I tell you?"

"Zac!? Hi!" Meredith said happily.

"Hows it been?" Zac asked, trying to make small talk.

"Fine, but Iv missed you... wow, I dont know how I could have missed you though, you'v been all over TV!"

"The tour?"

"Yeah, and your sister...How is she doing by the way?"

"Good, I talked to her a little while ago, she and the rest of the family are going to come down for the Grammies. Actualy, whats why I called... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come down as well?"

"To LA? Yeah sure!Oh...wait, I cant! I have to work..."

"Cant you get some time off?"

"Maybe...oh who cears, Im coming!" Zac grined.

"Cool...So when do you want to come down?"

"How about tonight?"

"Realy? You would just drop every thing and leave like that?"

"I told you Zac...I miss you..."

"I miss you too... Okay, tonight then..."

"Tonight..." She repeted. They said their goodbyes and hung up.
Zac Let his body fall back onto the bed. He felt drained after a day of press and singing. But now he had another thing to worrie about.
For the past three months Zac had been seeing Meredith. It was his secret, every now and then he would find an excuse to go to the mall to see her, or sneck our at night to go to her house or take her out. But it was always in secret. As far as he new, no one suspected a thing, not even Zoe.
But enough was enough, he felt guilty for keeping this from Zoe like it was some thing dirty, and also, he felt guilty because Meredith took it so calmly when he explained to her that he couldn't tell his family about her for Zoe's sake. He wanted Zoe to beleive there was no more important thing in his life but her, but at the same time, she had to know he was falling in love with Meredith...


Zoe put the jurnal back into her carrie bag as the plane landed.

"You gunna be okay hon?" Mr Hanson asked as Zoe stood up.

"Yeah dad..." She said, hoisting the bag over her sholder.
The airport was buzzing with people even at ten at night. They all looked at her strangly for a moment, then when they realised who it was, slowed their pace to get a better look at her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one woman shake her head sadly as if to say 'Poor thing...'
But Zoe ignoured it, she had told her self over and over on the plane that this would happen, and that the only reason she was here was for Zac, Tay and Ike. She wouldn't let her own stupid shame ruin this.

"Zoe! Over here!" Zac called as he ran up to her.

"Hey Zac..." She wispered into his sholder as he hugged her. She had almost forgotten how good she felt when she was around him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as they picked out her bags from the convayour belt.

"Please Zac, if one more person asks my that Ill kill them!" She said laughing. He put his arm around her sholders.

"Aw, poor Zoe getting pissed off at all these annoying cearing people?" He asked mockingly.

"Yip" She said as she smiled at him.

"Well comon then, lets go back to the hotel, and if anyone asks you if your alright Ill personaly have them arrested okay?" Zoe laughed again.

"Okay Zac, Ill hold you to that"


Meredith arrived at one am Friday morning, and, as promised, Zac was there to meet her.
He had told Zoe that a friend of his was also coming down for the awards, That was only because she had caught him snecking out, other wise he wouldn't have said any thing at all, he had wanted to wait till the morning when he could tell the whole family, but being on the spot he setteled for a lye.


It was ten am when Zac woke up, the rest of the family were still in deep sleeps, tridithional for weekends or, like today, days off.

But to his amazment, when he got out to the living area of the hotel room, he found Zoe quitly sitting writing in some sort of book.

"What you got there Zo?" Zac asked from behind her. She jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Zac, dont sneck up on me like that!" Zoe said putting the book under a pillow.

"Oh, is it a secret thing or some thing Zo, cause if it is you better show me so I dont die of curiosity!"

"Its my diary if you must know, and before you ask, no, you may not read it!" She smiled sweetly at him, picked up the diary, then headed for the kitchen.

"Zoe im affended, you always let me read your storys, poems, diarys..."

"I never let you read my diary!"

"Well nows a good time to start then isnt it?" Zoe shook her head.

"Sorry Zacy, no can do, secrets must stay secret!"

"What if I gave you a cookie?" She made a face at him.

"Zac that worked when I was five!" At that moment there was a noise from in Zacs room, and a second later, Meredith walked out in one of Zac shirts.

"Morning...Oh hi! You must be Zoe?" Meredith extended her hand but Zoe just steared at the stranger dressed in her brothers clothes.

"Who the hell..." She begane, only to be quickly stopped by Zac, who had forgotten to methion to Meredith that no one new about her staying yet.

"Zoe, Meredith, Meredith Zoe!" He said making quick introductions. Meredith smiled, while Zoe continued to glear at the unwanted woman.

"Nice to meet you!" She said politly.

"Yeah, great..." Zoe added sarcsticaly "Now who the hell are you?"

"This is my, ah...Friend Zo, she's come down to see the concert too!" Zac covered his sisters rudness again, silently panicking.

"Friend? You must realy value your friends Zac if you let them wear your clothes, AND sleep in your room with you! I guess your even kind enough to let her shear your bed right?" With that, and one last glear at Meredith, Zoe turned and left the room, slaming the door behind her.

"You diddn't tell her about us did you Zac..." Meredith asked a moment later.


"Well why the hell not? Are you ashamed of me or some thing? Because if you are thats fine, Ill leave, okay?"

"Im not ashamed of you, im just trying to spear Zoe a little longer..."

"Spear Zoe? Zac, she's 15, not a baby! And besides, its not like we are getting married and moving to Spain or some thing!"

"Meredith, We have been through this before, She's real sick, and the last thing I want is for her to feel like she's been abandand!" Meredith looked at him.

"Okay Zac...I under stand...Its great that your so close to your sister, realy...but, I cant live in her shadow forever, I just cant...For months Iv not told a sole about us, not even my mother, just because it might get back to Zoe. Then when you invited me here I though, GREAT! He's finely going to tell her! We can be like a normal copple finely. And then I get here, and I humiliat my self by thinkig she knows when she doesn't... Im sorry Zac... You have to deside whats more important...Me or Zoe..."

"Lisen Zoe, I..."

"What? Zac you just called me Zoe!"

"No I diddn't!"

"Yes you did! My god Zac, I cant beleive you! I thought when you said you loved me you ment it! But now I get it..."

"I do love you!"

"You love me because I remind you of Zoe dont I..."

"Wha...NO! Thats not it at all!"

"Oh please, spear me will you Zac, Iv had enough!" Meredith ran into the room and began dressing and throwing things back into her suitcase.

"Meredith this is stupid!"

"You think its stupid? What would you do if I called you Taylor, or Isaac? Its the same thing! You'd go mentel at me saying I love them more than I love you! Admitt it you would wouldn't you!" Zac sat on the bed and watched as she flew around the room, grabbing the things she had unpacked early that morning when she arrived.

"Maybe, but I would forgive you..." Meredith stopped, then sat next to him.

"Alright Zac, I forgive you, okay? But I still need you to deside... me, or her..."

"How could you make me choose?"

"Zac, Me or her..." Zac looked at a photo of him and Zoe when they were young, sitting on the the dressing table. It wasn't a hard desition, but the out come would be hard...

"If I have to choose Meredith, it will always be Zoe...she's my sister, you understand that dont you?" She stood up and shut her suitcase.

"Yeah Zac... I under stand..." With out as second look she walked out of the room, and down the hall.

Out of Zoes window she saw Meredith climb into a taxi and drive off...

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