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One last goodbye...

"Zoe...? Zoe come on, wake up..." Zac wispered franticly rocking his unconciouse sister in his arms.

"Please zo...dont leave me...oh god Zoe dont die like this..." The sounds of the crowd could be heard clearly as they sat hunched in a corner, with stage crew milling around them in a panic, trying to calm the audience, and get help for Zoe.

"Sir...the ambulance is here..." Some one said softly, coming up in frount of him with two men in white uniform's being towed closly behind.

"Mr Hanson, we need to accesse your sister..." One of them said, knealing beside him.

"She's okay..." Zac said shaking his head at the stranger "She's just sleeping...right? She'l wake up soon..." Zac griped Zoe as the panic turned to delusions. He new this was serious. But he couldn't handel it any more. He wanted to beleive his wish.

"Mr Hanson your sister needs to be gotten to a hospital at once!" The second man in a uniform yelled, annoyed that his job was being made impossable "You can come with us in the ambulance alright...?" He then added quitly. Slowly Zac released Zoe, and watched as they lay her out on a stretcher.

In the ambulance it was sureal, but huntingly familiar. The tubes, the wires, the slow beeps of his sisters heart beating. All so familiar...
She looked different this time. Maybe it was because he wasn't so sure she would wake up anymore...
Zac lay his head in Zoes stomuch, trying to stop his hole body from shaking so violently.

"Come on Zoe...Wake up..." He begged. Then like an answered prar, Zoe opened her eyes...

"Im so sorry Zacy..." She wispered, stroking his hair while he sobbed.

"I always hurt people Zacy... I want to stop now..." Zac sat up and steared at his sister.

"Zoe....?" She didn't move, just looked into the eyes she had aways found refuge.

"Im sorry Zacy..." She repeted.

"Wha...why are you sorry Zo...Your alright...your awake..."

"Im not alright Zacy...I never will be know that..." She was quite for a while.

"I always do this Zac...I dont mean to, but somehow I always hurt you..." At first all Zac had been interested in was the fact she was awake, but now as he lisened to what she was saying...

"No Zoe...You dont hurt me... Never think that..." Zoes face never changed as she let tear after tear fall from her eyes.

"But I did Zacy...I broke you..." She wispered, placing her hand over his heart.

"Oh that what you think...? You think all you have done is hurt people...? You have touched people Zoe...the way you stood up there tonight...You should have known the way you changed peoples lives, and diddnt break me Zoe...You made me whole... You cant give up Zo...If you die...then I will be brocken... I will only be half of me..." Slowly Zoe smiled.

"You always new how to make things right Zac... Even now...But with or with out me you will always be whole..." Zac held her hand as Zoe once again, closed her eyes "Because I will never realy be gone..."

And just like that. She was gone...
He didnt panic, he didn't scream...He just sat. Still holding her hand. And sang while he wept...

The day...
That I left lucy...
A tear, fell from her eye...
Now I dont...Have no body...
And I...was such a fool...
Oh the day...
That I left lucy...

The day... that I left Lucy...
She cried...
And said goodbye...
Now its done, and its over...
And I am all alone...
On that day...
That I left Lucy....

Now I dont have any more songs to sing...
Cause your everything, everthing to me...
I didn't realise I felt this way untill that day...
Today...Im missing Lucy...
And you say...That she's okay...
I hope she is...

Now I dont, have no body...
And no one...could ever replace...
My Lucy...
I love Lucy...
My Lucy...

The song that had once been innocently writen about a cartoon caractor. Now reflected his life so irronicaly....

Just like was over...

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Finel chapter
