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Home coming!

The quite house sat in its usual possition under the huge trees, looking homly and familiure. But soon the quite was totely shattered, as the door swung open, and 11 pears of feet clomped in.

"HOME!" Zac yelled as he pushed his way in.

"Oh mum, it looks just the same!" Jessy exclaimed, dumping her bags in the door way like she always did when she came to stay.

"Yeah, it hasn't changed a bit!" Avie agreed, flashing her famouse smile at the fadding wall paper, and hard wood floors.

"Well, its been this way scince you were born honey, and Im not about to change it!" With Leim under her arm, Mrs Hanson followed her children as they headed for the living room.

"Aw man, talk about jet lag!" Avie complained, as she slipped her feet out of the designer french shoes that Zoe swore she couldn't even get her little toe into. But then, Averie was a top model across the world, so it wasn't serprising that she not only had a killer face and figger, but that her feet were slim and elegent too!

"Get used to it Avie, by the sound of it you'l be doing alot of traveling with your new contract!" Sarah said from her place in Isaacs lap. She was well known by the Hansons, and thought of them as her own family. It would help when she and Isaac made their annousment.

"Well, I dont intend to do it much, I feel totely drained..."Jessy sat in the chair opposite Zoe's, her stomic buldging from her dress that attempted to hide what was going to be her fourth child.

"Mummy, can we go play?" Jason asked suddenly, tierd of his siblings already.

"No honey, you can stay here thank you! Your brothers haven't seen you boys for almost a year, and your sisters for almost that long too, so I think you should be polite and sit down!" Mrs Hanson ordered her son, who flopped down on the floor and preseded to sulck.

"Well, were are you going to stick us mum?" Taylor asked, ignouring the memorys of Zac at this age.

"The old arangment I guess hon, is that okay?" With nodd's from each of them, they walked in which ever direction their old rooms were. **********************************************************************************************

"Hey! Whats with this?" Zac demanded playfully as he walked into the room he and Zoe used to shear, which now was completly covered in posters of her favourite band 'High' (I HAD TO THINK OF SOMETHING!!!)

"What?" She asked inoccently, looking around. Zac shock his head and laughed.

"What do you see in them? They aint that great!" Zoe turned from were she was clearing out a shelf for Zacs clothes and gleared at him.

"How would you know? I bet you never heard of them!" Zoe loved her brother, and rearly fourt with him, but if he was going to mess with 'High' then he was going into uncharted teratorie! Zac laughed again, and jumped on his old bed.

"Zoe, darling, I have heard of them! We meet them! We played with them at the 'Hanson comeback' concert, they were our opening act! So yes I have meet them...!" Zac said in his best English acsent. By this point Zoes eyes were so wide she thought they would fly out and land on the floor.

"ZAC HANSON! YOUR LYING! YOU COULDN'T HAVE MEET THEM!" She screamed, pointing an accusing finger at his face.

"No! Honestly! Ask Tay and Ike if you want, even Jess and Avery! Its not a big deal Zoe! Gezz, calm down! You look like your going to pass out or some thing!"

Zoes olive face was pale and she had started repeating 'OH MY GOD' over and over.

"Zoe, calm down! Man, are you hyperventilating?" She shock her head and shlumped down on the bed beside Zac.

"You meet them...? Like face to face? And talked to them?" Zac nodded, amused by his sisters unusual behavour.

"Well?" She steared at him, as if expecting him to say something.


"What did they say?!!" Zac chuckeled again, holding back a fit of laughter he was fighting off.

"Zoe, what is your obbsetion with this band?"

"Im not obbsessed, I just kinda like the lead singer!" She admitted, grinning at the pitcher of Chad Johnson hanging over her bed.

"You look pretty obsessed to me..." Zac clicked his fingers in frount of her vacant looking face, and watched as she snapped out of it with a jump.

"ZAC! ZOE GET DOWN HERE! WE"RE ON THE NEWS!!!!" Taylors voice pounded up the stairs, reminding each perfectly carpated stair of the days when Tay had done this exact same thing.

"Wait up!" Zac trotted after Zoe as she flew down the stairs, and landed in his old chair (Just to annoy him like any good sister would!) that she had just dived for.

On the screan it showed thousands of girls of all age's from teens to thirtys jumping up and down in unison to the faitfull old tune remembered by all of that eara...

"As the origional Hansons group sang that catchy old song 'Mmmbop'..." The announser said in an over done voice

"The croud of woman danced and sang along like it was the days when the Hansons were the 'Young treo from Tulsa'. Now of course they are the one of the greatest bands in history, with each memeber doing well even after the breack up..." Again the camra scaned the croud.

Zoe steared on in amazment at the banners and tear stained face's of the people, each one screaming, dancing, or passed out from the exitment.

"This was all for you?" She asked, shocked that her brothers could still generate such an impact, she had never realy seen them proform.

"Yip! see sis, were not the totely un-hip band you think we are!" Isaac said from the couch.

"You are if you use the word 'hip' thats so out, its 'hyp' now!" Mac corrected him, while not taking his eyes off the screan.

"I dont think your not hyp Ike, I just never realy saw this sorta thing before, I was pretty young when you split remember!" He nodded then returned his attention back to the screan.

"Oh my god!" Screamed a girl about Zoe's age that was being interviewed.

"They are sooooo great! OH MY GOD!!! I love Zac! I love them all!!!" She screamed again, this time she actualy passed out, which for some reason the guys found amusing, Zoe felt sick.

"Whats wrong with these girls? Their my brothers!" She though to her self.

"Iv dated Zac a few times..." Said another girl who smiled sweetly at the reporter before continuing. Zoe felt Zac lean fourd against the chair to get closer to the tv.

"But, he cant kiss very well so I dumped him!" The hole living room errupted into laughter, as Zacs checks burned a stunning shad of red.

"Thats not true, I never meet the girl!" He defended.

"Aw! Poor Zac!" Zoe said mockingly, smiling evily at him.

"I LOVE HANSON!!!!!!!!" A woman in her twentys or so yelled.

"The opening act 'High' was cheered, but their welcome was a cool one compered to the Hansons..." Said the announser. Zac smiled at Zoe.

"See, their not so great!" She ignoured him, enjoying the sight of High singing before they returned the camra onto some fans.

"Yeah, highs cool, but Hanson! WOAH! They should defenantly regroup!" The report ended, and the rest of the world news was read, but the Hansons Television was turned of before that.

"So boys, what do you think? Are you going know..." Mr Hanson tryed to be sutile, but it was never his strong pont.

"Are they what?" Zoe asked, looking around at the face's of her family.

"We might re-start the band...!" Zac announsed. Zoes heart sank into the deepest pits of her stomic.

"Oh...?" She said in a soft voice.

"Well, at lest to promote the albam..." Taylor added.

"Albam? Theres an albam?" Zoe shook her head in disbeleife, had she missed some family meeting or something?

"Yeah, the 'Hansons back' albam, but yah know, we havent desided if its a permanint thing yet, it might be just this one albame and thats it..." Isaac was interupted by another soft replie from Zoe.

"No actualy I diddn't know..." They diddn't seem to notise her, and carryed on talking about whatever it was they were talking about. Untill Mrs Hanson informed them that dinner was ready. ********************************************************************************************** Dinner was the time when the Hansons were all together, as a group. Although it was noisy, it was one of Zoes favourite times when everyone was home.

"So, honey, what was it you wanted to tell us?" Mrs Hanson asked Isaac as he sat nevously picking his food, and occationaly exchanging nervouse glance's at Sarah.

"Huh? Oh, oh yeah! Um...well, Mum, dad...ah...what I wanted to tell you was that ah... well, Sarah and I, well, we're getting married!" For a second in time the Hansons were quite at the same time, but then they all jumped up and started clapping and hugging Sarah, who by this time was in totel shock by the responce.

"OH HONEY THATS GREAT!!" Mrs Hanson yelled, grabbing Sarah into a great hug, and then grabbing Isaac to do the same.

"Mum!" Isaac squecked from the tight imbrace his mother had locked them into.

"Wha...oh sorry dear!" Letting the two go she stood back and started balling.

"I cant beleive it! My babys getting married!" The hole table laughed, then resettled for a tost to the copple. It would be the second Hanson to be married. Jessy had had a similar thing happen to her when she and her now husband, Aaron Carter (*S*) announced their engagment.

"Good luck to you both!" Taylor cheered, with a smile so wide Zoe thought his face would crack.

"Yeah!" She agreed, her heart lifted with the happiness in the air.

"Thank you, thank you all, but I have my own announsment to make..." Sarah ushered them all to sit again, as she looked around at the expectent face's.

"Well, this is very new news to me, and Isaac knows as much about it as you...I have one last thing to add to this moment..." Taking Isaacs hand, she looked around the table again.

"Im pregnet..." Complet silence.

' Wow thats got to be a record!' Zoe thought.

'The Hansons being quite twise in a row!' It diddn't last and soon there were more happy tears from the woman, and cheers from the men as Isaac kissed and hugged her with a look of disbeleife.

Zoe had seen alot of of strange seans at this dinner table, but this! Her mind wanddered back in time to days when they all seemed young... ******************************************************************************************

"Zac Hanson! Get your mits out of their right this minute!" Mrs Hanson cried at her son as he dug into the cubbord to get the cookies to go with the milk.

"Aw mum, please??" His brown eyes danced in hers, but she new this trick.

"Put them back young man!" Zoe watched from the table, her stomace empty and longing for the sweet tast of those choc chip cookies.

"Sorry Zo, I got caught!" Zac wispered as he slumped in the chair beside her. He always sat beside her, and each night he always tryed to steal the cookies for her when she refused to eat her spinich and broccolie (Is that how you spell that? Oh well, its not like Iv spelt any thing else right!)

She smiled at the cute 15 year old, and planted a pretiouse kiss on his check.

"You tryed.." she smiled again, her chubby 3 year old checks showing off their dimples.

"Oh you two, a bunch of sceamers arnt you!" Mrs Hanson said watching them with an amused smile. ********************************************************************************************** There was a very big difference between stealing cookies and announsing babies and engagments! Zoe thought. But that memory always made her smile, espetualy when she and Zac always snuck back down when everyone was in bed and had a midnight snack! ********************************************************************************************** Later that night everyone headed to their rooms, ready to call it a night.

"ZAC!" Zoe screamed as he walked in on her getting changed.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT?! IM GETTING CHANGED! OUT!!!!" He quickly turned and ran out of the room, his checks feeling hotter than they had earlyer.

"Okay, you can come in now..." Zoe said, opening the door, and letting him in.

She smile at his blushing face.

"Its okay, sorry I yelled at you, you just have to remember to knock from now on okay?" He smiled and nodded, then climbed into his bed.

They lay in silence for a while, feeling the totel comfort in their home the way it used to be.

"Zac...?" Zoes voice wispered through the cloak of darkness that had fallen over Tulsa.

"Yeah Zo..." She heard him roll over to face her and she did the same.

"Iv missed was lonley here with out you, and you'v been gone for so long..." There was some russeling, as Zac climbed out of bed and walked over to hers and sat on the edge.

"Yeah, I missed you too..." Just like when she was little and there was a storm, or she had had a bad dream, he crawled into the covers beside her, and she snuggled up to him. <'> "Do you remember... that time we ran away?" Zoe asked with her eyes closed, remebering it vividly.

"Yeah, 'cause I had to go on tour and you were sick and couldn't come with us, so we ran away..."

"But we diddn't get far.. I diddn't want to go farture than the backyard..." Together the giggled at the recolection. It had been just one of the great memories to Zoe. Zac was the only one out of the family that never babied her, he always relaited, even when he was 15 and 16, he still had time for her, not like Taylor and Isaac who were always to buisy for their 'little sister'. Never Zac.

"I hated leaving..." Zac said suddenly.

Zoe sat up and looked at him.

"I thought you loved that stuff! Why did you do if you hated it so much?"

"I did love the music, still do..." Zac told her quitly as she lay back down. "But I just hated touring, and leaving! It was like we just got back and then we had to leave! And when you guys couldn't come... that was the worst!" Zoe smiled to her self.

"I always thought you were glad to be away from me!" Zacs chest trembled as he laughed.

"Hardly, I missed you every second!"

" missed me?" Zac laughed again.

"Yeah, of course I missed you! I missed everyone, but not as much as you. I miss you now even, like when I have to go home, then Ill miss you"They were quite again, the silece being brocken by Zoe for a second time.

"You dont have to leave you could move to Tulsa..." Zac sighed.

"I wish I could Zo, but my life is in LA now. I cant just pick up and leave!" More silence.

"Thats what you did when you left here..." Zoe wispered. Zac said nothing, he couldn't think of any thing to say to that. She was right, he had just left, but it was differnt then too, he had to leave, he was twenty one and life was starting with out him. Nothing he could say could explain why he basicaly abandened her, with only the occationaly letter.

It was only in the last few years that he had started coming home for christmas. But to his serprise, although she had grown, she had not grown out of him.

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