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Together again

Zoe woke to someone tapping her check softly, and wispering that breakfast would be ready soon. Opening her eyes she found Zac leaning over her.

"Morning sleepy head!" He said, laughing as she groaned and put her pilow over her head.

"What time is it?" Her voise muffeled from under the pillow.

"Seven, nearly, it actualy more like six thirty, but I thought you'd feel better if you though it was seven" He laughed again and pulled her up.

"Why am I out of bed so eary...?" She moaned to herself.

"Because you want to come with your hansom brother to the recording studio!" Zoe gleared at him.

"Oh realy! Why is Mac going to the recording studio?" Her sarcasim was ignoured as Zac handed her her bathrobe and basicaly pushed her down the stairs to the kitchen.

"IM going to the recording studio to talk with our old producer!" He informed her as he sat at the counter.

"Then when why do I have to come? I cant exactly help!" At that moment Mac walsed into the room carrying the Hansons cat in one arm and the portable phone in the other.

"Yeah Brenda, I love you, of course, dont even know that girl!...thats" As quickly as he had entered the room, he left it, but not before dumping the cat in Zoes lap, and picking up her cereal which he proceded to sovel into his mouth.

"Any way...." Zac continued after Macs amussing disruption.

"I just thought you might like to thats all, I mean, I was thinking last night..."Zoe rased her eyebrows, about to make a crack about how thinking was a rear thing for Zac to do, but she desided that it wasn't the right time, and just mentaly saved it for later.

"I was thinking that when we were younger, we never took you with us when we did that sort of thing, and you never were around at the end of edditing when I wanted ask your oppinion. So I thought, if this albam does go ahead, it would be cool if you were there right through it, yah know?" Zac watched Zoes face, he couldn't read it some how, it was almost a look of shock and confustion conbined.

"But if you don't want to Zo, thats cool, you dont have to..." she quickly snapped out of it and shook her head.

"No, no Zac! Thats the best idea! Id love to watch you guys in action! It'l be awsome! Just wait here, Ill go get changed!" In a few seconds she was up the stairs and in the shower, then, less that five minutes later she was down the stairs and standing infront of Zac again.

"Um, Zoe, did you even bother to dry your hair?" Zac asked, looking at the long, dripping strands of hair dampeing her sholders and back.

"It doesn't matter. Are you ready?" Smiling, he nodded and they walked out to the car. **********************************************************************************************

"Okay Zo, remember, these people still think of Hanson as the little kid group, Iv gotta make them see we are way beyond that ok? " Zac and Zoe stood out side a large building, which was now the Dust brothers humbel abode.

"What do you want me to do?"Zoe asked eagerly, Zac smiled at her, and put his arm around her sholders.

"Just be sweet, charming Zoe, and we are sure to get a new contract!" Inside they were greeted by a skinny woman in her early thirtys, who looked them up and down with obbviouse disaprovel.

"May I help?"

"Yes, we have an appointment..."Zac said politly. With a last look, the woman walked behind the frount desk and tapped on a few computor keys before nodding and asking them to take a seat.

"Im nervouse..."Zoe wispered, leaning over to Zac.

"Me too, but dont worry, we'l be okay...." He rested his arm around her sholders again and smiled reassuraly. "Ah, Zac Hanson, its been a while!" A big man with thin hair said as he came out of an office.

"Mr Gray! Yeah, it sure has been a while..." Zac agreed as he shook hands with him, and was lead with Zoe down the hall into a room.

"So Zac, who is this lovely lady?"He asked, motioning towards Zoe.

"Oh, this is my sister, you rememeber Zoe don't you?" A look of enlightenment came over him.

"Oh dear yes, my goodness, it HAS been a while, the last time I saw you you were this big!" (* Doesn't this happen to you like all the time!*) Zoe smiled sweetly and nodded, trying to be polite although she wished he wouldn't remind her just how YOUNG she was.

"Anyway Mr Gray, my brothers and I have been thinking about a revivel record, and maybe even a regroup! But if that happens, we disided we would only want to work on it with you!" Zac saved his sister and drew the mans attention back to the subject.

"Thats exelent Zac, fab! I have absolutly no problem with that idea at all! Come back here monday with Taylor and Isaac, we'l talk about it in full then, for now, all I can do is organise a contract!" Zac stood up and shook Mr Grays hand again.

" Thanks Mr Grey, I new we could count on you!" For a while they talked about what the contract would include, but soon Mr Grey put the subject back onto Zoe.

"Tell me love, do you follow in you brothers foot steps? I mean, do you sing?" Zoe blushed.

"Not realy sir, I mean, I SING but never in public, only to my self..." He nodded.

"Well, I would like to hear you one day Zoe, If you have half the telent your brothers do then you could do very well" Again he nodded, this time smiling.

"Yes, I think I would like to hear you very much, you could have alot of potential...Why dont you think about it, and get back to me?" Zoe nearly burst.

"Okay I will!" She smiled up at Zac.

"Good. Well, Ill see the both of you soon then shall I?" They nodded and left the small room. *********************************************************************************************

"Oh my god Zac, I could be famouse!" Zoe mushed, as the car speed towards home.

"Thats cool Zo..." Zac said with as mush entuseasim as he had said to the last few things she had said.

"Hey whats the matter?" She asked finely. He looked at her as though he was going to say some thing, but then looked back to the road and shook his head.

"No come on, whats up? I thought you would be happy for me!"Zoe steared at him, waiting for him to reply.

"I just hope you know what your doing thats all, its a big desition, dont jump into it Zo, thats all..."

"Aw Zac, how sweet, your worried about me!"She laughed, even when Zac turned and gleared at her.

"You dont get it Zo, its not as easy as it looks, and your young they can take advatage of you!"

"Zac you were younger than me when you started out! Infact im older that what TAY was when you guys started out! So don't give me that shit!" She slumped down in her seat, folding her arms over her chest as she fumed.

"The thing is though, we had each other, if you went for it then it would just be you! Thats a very easy target!" Looking over at Zoe again he sighed.

"Fine, if you want to do it im not going to stop you..."

"It doesn't matter if you try and stop me any way Zac, you CANT thats the thing! I thought you would at lest SAPPORT me! But no, your all negative!" For a while they were quite.

"Well, can you at lest sing? I mean, I never heard you!" Zac said after a while.

"Thats because you were never home!" She regreted saying that the second it passed her lips.

"Thats what you think Zoe? You think I WANTED to miss all that stuff? I cant beleive you Zoe..." they pulled into the Hansons driveway.

"Im sorry...I didden't mean it to sound like that..." Zac just looked at her before he got out of the car and walked into the house, leaving Zoe to sit on her own in the car. ********************************************************************************************** Zoe crept down the stairs late that night. She couldn't stand the silence that had fallen over her and Zac. She had affened him and he wouldn't let it rest. All her attemts to talk to him failed, he just nodded, or said yes or no, and every time he looked at her he looked so hurt that she turned away. Now she sitting in the living room, going through all the old home vidios. she soon found the one she had always refused to watch, simple because it was before her, and she wanted things from her own memory. But now, holding Tulsa Tokyo and the middle of no were in her hand, she desided it was some thing she had to do. ********************************************************************************************** Crouds of screaming girls, hundreds of camra angles, and her brothers. Taylors voise filled the large hall, and the beat of Zacs drums over Ikes guitar, it all made perfect sence now why the girls were screaming. The camra fell on Taylor.

"Oh...he looks so young..."She breathed. Then Zac. Her eyes filled with tears, he looked so innocent, so small.

'Fly the wings of an eagel...' They sang.

'Fly along with the wind...No matter how high...Ill be thinking of you the hole time..." The hole vidio she cried, because she missed it all, the boys on the screan were not the men she new today, and it seemed to wrong to her that she missed all that, the girls screaming in the audence's new her brothers then, but not her.

As the credits ran Zac appeared again.

"Go away, its over!" He told the camra, with a huge toothy grin, then he pulled the flap down.

"Go away!" She half laughed at him, and The looks on Taylor and Isaacs faces as they watched him.

The screan went black, and Zoe stood up. She walked down to the basment, were the instraments were still cept, and ran he hands over the keys of Taylor old keybord. She soon was playing the tune she had grown to love more than her hart could imadgen, and soon, she was singing the sweet words.

"The day....that I left Lucy...she cried....and said goodbye...."Her voise came out smoothly, sweet and soft, the way the song was sung years ago. She sang the hole song through, not missing a note, or a beat, only remembering it from the car ride to the air port.

"You sounded realy good Zo..."Came a voice from behind her. Spinning around she found Zac standing in the door way.

For a while they stood silently looking at each other.

" Zac..?" She asked timidly.


"Im sorry..I diddnt mean what i said, I was never realy ANGRY at you for leaving. I was just...I wanted you to be happy with me...your my best friend Zac...I still think of you that way...even though we haven't seen each other since Christmas..."He smiled at her and walked over.

"Zoe...Im sorry know I hated being away..but..Lets just foret it...I am happy for you if this is what you want okay?" He kissed her forhead, before toghether they walked back up to their room.
