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'Sing angel..'

The car pumped as Zoe and Zac headed back to see Mr Gray the next day. That morning they had gotten a call, saying that he was dieing to sign the Hansons back on, including Zoe. It confused her a little, mainly because he had neve heard her sing a note, and he bearly new her. But she reasured her self mentely, thinking he new her brothers, and he must have figgered it ran in the family.

"Man, this is the best song!" Zac yelled over 'Only fools' one of the new pop sensations.

"Yeah! They are good!" Zoe replyed, not realy cearing eather way, she haddn't been lisening to the song, only her mind as it stirred.

"Tay and Ike are meeting us there!" Zac yelled again, this time she only nodded, watching the senery pass. *********************************************************************************************

"Right Zoe, just breath normaly, and try and relax..." Taylor said to his little sister as she sat hyperventilating (That is SO NOT the way you spell that!) Mr Gray had informed them the moment all the the Hansons buisness was finished, that he had organised that Zoe get to do some demo tapes for him. The first thing she had done was cluch onto Zacs arm.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he came out of the studio.

"Yeah, ah, I think..." With a slight nug from Zac she followed him.

"Okay hon, just stand there okay?" He told her, handing her some head phones, and a sheet of paper that contained the words for 'I will come to you'.

"Um, excuse me, why am I singing this...?" Mr Gray turned to her and smiled.

"Your the baby sister of super stars, why wouldn't you sing one of their greatest hits?" She steared at him, but said nothing, and went along with it.

'This is my chance, please dont blow it..." Before she could panic the music started, and she begain.

Tayor, Isaac, and Zac watched and lisened in disbeleife as their 'baby sister' sang the words that had held so much worth to them all those years ago, and made them sound angelic.

The guys were in shock, apart from Zac, they had never heard her sing, and thought she hated that sort of thing. But this proved them totely wrong. In the booth, Zoe lost her self in the rythm, and enjoying the sound of her voice against her brothers instraments. It almost hurt when the song finished.

"ZOE DARLING!" Mr Gray called entusiasticaly over the speckers.

"THAT WAS FABULOUSE! BRAVO! Come on in here Zoe.." She walked back out of the studio, and joined thm in the sound booth.

"Wow Zo, that was great!" Isaac said, putting his arm around her.

" Yeah, gezz, why diddn't you tell us you had such tellent we could have kicked Zac out of the band and had you!" Zac gave Taylor a dirty look, but then returned to Zoe.

"You did good spuirt! Real good.." They exchanged a secret knowing, and Zoe felt like she was going to burst at the seems with pride. This was the first time they had all said they were proud of her.

"You brothers are right young lady, you were exelent! I have a contract just waiting to be signed by you if this is what you want to do?" She almost said 'nah I wont to give up this oppertunity you moron' but she diddn't, just exepted the pen he handed her and signed her name on the dotted line. ***************************************************************************** Zac sat on his bed watching Zoe sleep. He new it was corny, but she looked so sweet while she lay there.

It reminded him of when he had done this when they were younger.Hanson would be about to go on tour, or some place, and he new he wouldn't see her for months, and all he could think was he might forget what she looked like, that screared him.

It was one of those things he could never explaine to himself or anyone else, the way he felt about Zoe was so delicate, so sincere, that every time he needed to be reminded what it was to love some one with all your heart, and to have that love returned, all he had to do was think of her.
It was true, they were brother and sister, and they did had twelve years age different's, but it worked out in a way, he was her big brother, who hugged her when she was screared, and she was his little sister who love him unconditionaly no matter how he felt, or how confused he got, she always loved him.
He loved the rest of his family, the way he was sappost to, but never the way he loved Zoe.

She was his Angel girl.

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