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"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" Zoe shrecked as she steared at the tiny so-called 'dress' her the stylist was holding up.

"What? Wrong coloure?" Zac and Taylor both muffeled their laughs by ducking behind some of the clothing racks in the changing room, as Zoe held back the erge to hit the blond dizz in frount of her.

"No, the colours fine, realy! I like black, I just have this problem with showing every inch of my body thats all. Like I said to the last seven outfits, Id like some thing a little less fitting, okay?" The woman steared for a moment, as though letting this information settel, then smiled, nodded, and trotted of to find a similar out fit.

"Can you beleive this chick? She's driving me mad!" Zoe flopped onto the chair, whileTaylor and Zac emerged from behind the racks.

"Yeah, she's driving me a bit wild too, but in a differen't way..." Zac said, looking over to her as she sorted through a pile of clothes.

"ZAC HANSON! She has about as much brain capasity as a pea! How can you think she's cute?" Zac grined at Taylor and they berst out laughing.

"Its a guy thing Zo..." Taylor chuckeled as he watched her.

Zoe grouned and settled further into the chair. It was a week after Zoe signed her contract, and both she and her brothers were starting on their 'albams'. In Zoes case this ment siffering through a million songs she had writen over the passed few years, to deside weather she was brave enough to present them to anyone, little own the intier world!

One song she was deffinet on was called 'lullabie'. No one new it, but she had writen it about Zac.

With this song ready to be recorded as a singel, Dust brothers was starting the preperations for her first video.

"Okay, how about this?" The same out fit the stylist had held up twenty minutes ago was draped over the hanger.

"Um, maybe I could chose it?" Zoe was trying to be patient, but one more skimpy dress and she would have throtteled the bitch!

"Hey Zo, how bout this?" Taylor held up a silver top, with a matching skirt.

"Hey cool!" Zoe skpped over to her brother and planted a kiss on his check.

"Thanks big brother, I think my torment is finely over!" At that second Mr grey walked in.

"Hello boys, Zoe" He pulled up a chair besides Zoes, and ushered for her to come sit beside him.

"Zoe, how would you like to do the first take on 'Lullabie' today? the sound booth is free and the sooner we get it done the sooner we can relesed it!" Zoe heart pounded in her chest. It was all happening so fast!

"Okay!" She said almost uncontiously."When shall we do it?" He smiled.

"How about right now?" Mr Grey had his back to Zac and taylor, and diddn't see them nodding maddly, and mouthing 'yes, do it!'.

"Great! lets go!" With that they stood up and followed Mr Grey to the sound booth. *********************************************************************************************

"And one...two...three...." The music drifted through Zoes head phones, haunting her intier mind with its tune. She lost her self in it, letting her tune controle her.

Do you remember...
so long ago...
shadows of past lives...
drifting so slow...
I keep my eyes closed...
Hidding with in...
Remembering memories...
never let go...

I wish you could know...
The torment I have...
Fighting with demonds...
That captured my sole...
You left me standing...
Here all alone...
Cold and uncertain...
Lost in my home...

Never say those words...
Goodbye is a curse...
Stay a bit longer...
Just one more verse...
Sing me that sweet song...
It wont take too long...
Sing me my sweet song....
Sing my lullabie...

The song sheet was disgarded, Zoe new every word, after all, they were permenently ingraved in her heart.

Inside the song booth it was a sight that was becoming familiour. Taylor, Zac, and Mr Grey all stearing on in amazment, as Zoe transformed the sad words into an even sadder song.

It was perfect, no retakes, no voice overs, no nothing, just smooth and sweet, sad and solome. Mr Grey deside the second she finished that it was the finel copie, and that the sooner he could reseise the song, the sooner she would be number one. *********************************************************************************************

"No Zacy dont go...please..." Zoe held onto Zacs leg, stearing up at the handsom 15 year old as he tryed to creep out of the room with out desterbing her.

"Im sorry Zo...I have to...I have to go..." He nelt down so he was level with her, stearing into her blue eyes as she cried.

"Dont go yet...Please..." It was three in the morning, and Hanson was getting ready to jet off to spain for a tour. Zac had delibretly tryed to stop Zoe from waking up, but he had forgotten her toys laying around on the floor, and when he tripped on a pile of them, he had woken her.

"I have to..." He pleaded with her eyes to stop looking at him like that, it was a terrible thing to see in a three year old, she looked afraide, and he new that no matter how many times he assured her he would come back, she would still beleive he was leaving her forever.

"Please..." He watched as tears tumbeled down her checks, and gave in.

"Okay, a while longer..." He picked her up, and gently placed her back into bed.

"Ill stay here till you fall close your eyes..." She did as he said, but cept a ferm grasp on his hand to make sure he diddn't try to sneck away.

"Sing me a song Zacy..."She said softly, snuggling under the covers.

"Okay...what do you want me to sing...?" She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Oh, okay..." He grined at her, knowing she wanted to hear her lullabie.

"Theirs that pretty baby, laying in her bed, heavens little angel, with a halloe around her head. Sleep now pretty baby, Zoe girls in her bed, sleep now little baby, lower your sweet head..." She fell asleep, as Zac sang the last verse, and quitly crept out of the room, and down the stairs. ********************************************************************************************* Zac steared at Zoe from across the living room, as she sat watching the television.

He remembered that night before leving for Spain. It had been playing in his mind since he had heard her song earlyer that day. He couldn't help but wonder if that was the same memorie that she was thinking when she wrote it...

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