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Her secret...

The house was so quite that it diddnt seem real.

Mr and Mrs Hanson had taken the twins shoe shopping, and Averie and Jessy were off doing 'sisterly' things, while Ike and Taylor had dragged Zac to some old hang outs to re-live their youth. Basicaly this left Zoe alone in the house with only Mac to entertain her.

"Mac...hey Maci...oh stuff yah then..."After atempting to wake Mac from what seemed to be a never ending sleep she walked into the living room to sulk.
She diddn't want to go shoe shopping, not with her perents and two roudy little brothers anyway. And 'sisterly stuff' was defenently not something Jess and Averie liked to let Zoe shear with them. As of day one Zoe had been made sure that her BIG sisters, although they loved her, saw her as nothing more than an annoying addition to their bedroom. And as for 'recapturing youth', Zoe hadn't lost it yet!

"What a crappy day! Im so bord!!!!" She screamed to anyone who was lisening. There was no answer which frustraited her even more.

The weeks were dragging thanks to the wonderfull sensation of 'waiting'. The vidio for Lullabie had been made in record time due to her 'camra adaptablity' and 'flear for acting'. Now she had to count down the days till MTV would finely review her vidio and deside weather it was worth showing or, as Mr Grey put it, 'Bin worthy'. Zac had tryed every thing to reasure her that it would be alright, if only to stop her from pulling all her hair out, but the day before MTV had sid they liked it and would screan it when ever the 'got around to it'. This, Zoe desided, was worse than waiting, now she never new when they would show it for the first time, and she had been almost constantly infrount of the TV since she found out.

Remembering her lake of thinking, Zoe rushed to the television and swished it on. Tipical MTV was showing the same vidio that was ALWAYS playing, which ever one pulled in the viewers it never hessatated in repeting over and ove and over...

"OH MY GOD!" Zoe had almost been asleep when the song changed and a familiour tune wiseled from the tv.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!" Zoe scooted right up to the scren, stearing at herself as her eyes looked derectly into the camra.

"ITS ME!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! MAC!!! " No one came running like she expected them to when her vidio first aired, infact she amagened thousands of people crounded around her television, clapping and screaming with her as her song played, but instead she only got a small acknowlagment by Taylors sad looking cat 'mama' who purred as she passed.

"MAC!!!"He diddnt answer so she gave up. As the vidio finished she was felt with a wash of saddness, and only a small amount of exitment.

"Were you calling Zo...?" Finely Mac walsed in looking half asleep, and carrying what seemed to be her only fan, Mama. She looked at him from were she was crouching in frount of the television.

"No Mac...never mind..."He yawned then turned back towards his room, obliviouse of his sisters sadness. But there was something else. Zoe felt it deep in the pitt of her stomuce, but couldn't figger out what she was feeling. It was different from her disapointment, far different, she felt weak and tierd.

Standing up she suddenly felt lightheaded, her legs bukeled under her as she feel to the ground...


Zoe lay on her bed with her head burred deep in her pillow. Zac was sitting beside her but she haddn't notise him come in.

"Hey..."Tapping her sholder, Zoe looked up.

"What?" Zac examened her face. She looked pale.

"How yah feeling...?" His hand reached out and touched her face but she felt so cold he pulled away.

"Im fine. I told mum I was fine..."She said softly, pulling her legs up to her chest.

"She's realy worried Zo...she thinks maybe this whole vidio and every thing is wearing you out..."

"Jessus Zac! Im not three years old! Im fine!!" Zac almost feel off the bed with her sudden turn, she gleared at him like she wanted to say more but then the anger seemed to fade, only to be replaced by sadness.

"Im sorry Zac...Im tierd...thats all...dont worry abot me ok..." She ussered him out of the room, but he diddnt move.

"Is there something your not telling me Zo... over the last few weeks youv been realy tierd, all th time..."She smiled weakly and shook her head.

"Not Zacy. Like I said...fine!"Finely he stood up and left, only looking back at her once before shutting the door.

as the door closed Zoe sunk under her covers, cluching her sides and trying to fight of screams as wave after wave of pain pulsed through her body...

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