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"Okay Zoe, ready?" The interviewer smiled with his toothy grin and prepeared to shove the micraphone in her face.

"No..."She mouthed, he ignoured her and signeled to the camra crew to start filming.

"Yes its true ladys a grentelmen, we have the rising new star Zoe HANSON! You heard right! She is none other than the little sister of the rock legends HANSON!" The camra turned to her, and the interviewer, who had earlyer introdused him self as Tom Johns, begane his line of questioning.

"Now Zoe, your song Lullabie has brought you national eclaim, how do you feel about that...?" The room was filled with people, but they were all behind the camra, infrount it was only her and Tom, seemingly alone to the veiwers at home.
Taylor smiled at her, awear of her anguish. Zac however never lost the look that darkened his face often when someone was messing with Zoe, no matter what it was, but also he looked anxiouse, knowing she still held a secret from him.

"Um...Its great, I realy like it..." Her answer was short but seemed to be excepted by the reporter with only gratatude, because although he was facing one of the hardest interviews ever, the fact that the people were hearing the angel voice that had suddenly invaded there lives, was enough to give him an early lead in scoop of the year.

He continued to ask her questions, but in an instant it all seemed to fade to Zoe, her answers were unconciouse, as the rooms colours and the faces around her blended to make a confusing mess. No one sensed it, only Zac, he held a close watch to Zoe every second, and saw as her eyes lost all sign of recognition.


It had been Zoes first ever interview, and she had been anticapating it for days, but when it was finely there she couldn't grasp it, her body felt so strange, like she was losing controle of it...

"That was good Zoe, you did well, diddn't stuff any thing up or nothing!" Isaac sat on the edge of Zoes seat, smiling down at her as he did.

"Yeah, but wow, was it just me or did that guy seem like REALY annoying to you as well...?" Taylor added laughing. In replie to both her brothers she nodded, cradleing her head in her palm.

"Zoe...?" Zac walked into the room with his hands hidden behind his back, when she looked up he pulled out the large bouqaie of pink rose, and a little box.

"Whats this...?" She asked softly, taking the flowers and breathing in their sweet scent.

"Present, you deserve it... and besides...we got a phonecall a few days ago about the vidio being played last week, sorry we wern't there for it Zo..." He sat on the other arm of her chair, and handed her the black box.

"Oh..zac..."In the box was a locket, with the inscription;

'To my angel girl, Ill love you forever Zoe...'

Zoe held it in her hand, stearing at it as the gold shone in the over head lights. Taking it from her, Zac put it around her neck, letting it sit delacetly between her collor bones.

"Its amazing...thank you so much...I..I love it so much..." She stood up and rapped her arms around his neck, feeling his saport as he washed the wearyness from her body for a second, untill he let her go and stood back to look at her again. But as he did her face changed...

"Zac! Oh...oh me.... oh please..." She gripped her sides as heated waves of pain ran through her, it was too much, she had fort off the pain before, but now all she could do was fall to her knees and scream...


The world has a weird way of picking who to hurt, to Zac, all he could feel was anger at the people who walked around Zoes hospatil bed saying how 'sorry they were' to his perents, and himself, but it diddn't help Zoe, she still layed there like she had left him. He wanted to pick her up and run from the docters and tubes, 'sorry's and 'try not to worry's.

"Mrs Hanson...?" A doctor wispered through the darkness. Zac felt his presence as he woke his mother from her haunted slumber. He asked her to talk to him out side, as not to wake Zac who was the only other person they had let stay with Zoe through the night. She followed him out the door but Zac cept his eyes closed, lisening to the two voice's he could just make out.

"Mrs Hanson...we...we ran many tests on your daughter...she has been very sick, but by the sounds of it was very clever, she hid it well...diddn't want to worry you no doubt, but its come to far to hide now Im afraid..."

"Hide what...jesus Mike stop'v known me and my family for the last 20 years! You delivered Zoe for crist sake!I want you to be honest with me...whats going on..." Mrs Hanson steared at the old acqaintance, afraid to lisen, but with need to know why one of her babys was laying unconciouse in a hospital.

"Mrs Hanson...Diana...Zoe has been, like I said...very sick. We have tested and re-tested, and it all comes back with the same sorry Diana...Zoe has Cancer...she's dieing..." In the room Zac had sat straight up, not beleiving what he had heard he grabed Zoes hand and steared at her, still lisening as his mother begane sobbing. The doctor took her in his arms and tryed to calm her, but the weight of the fact that he was the one who seemingly condemed this womans child to death was too much, so toghther they stood in the hall crying. No other noise came from the corradoors. It seemed they were the only ones who were feeling the pain that had setteled. But unknown to them, Zac was now sitting on Zoes bed, rocking her in his arms as she slept, obliviouse to the awaiting fait...

