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Ike Info

Ike Info

Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson

Nicknames: Ike, Ikey-Poos

Age: 18

Birthdate: November 17, 1980

Height: 5'11

Fav Color: green

Height: 5' 10

Eyes: dark brown

Hair: dirty blond

Instruments: guitar and piano

Fav Subject: science

Fav Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla (Go Ike!!!)

Bad Habit: bites his nails

Imitates: Butthead, Kermit the Frog, Bullwinkle, Austin Powers

~Recently got his braces off (recently being for Dec. 23)

~He has had a girlfriend before and has been kissed and has kissed

~Zac describes him as the romantic one, "Ike is a bit of a love freak, he always wants to love a girl" he says.

~He's right-handed

~likes chunky peanut butter

~he's been writing a science-fiction novel

~He's been described as the romantic one

~Names his guitars after girls he has crushes on

~He has clear braces (NOT ANYMORE! Only a retainer)

~Is rumored because of his braces his brothers call him 'Wire and Brace Face'

~Loves his brown leather jacket

~He's a Scorpio

~Always wears a silver ring on his middle finger

~Taylor describes him as "the kind of guy who thought he was gonna get married in the third grade"

~He's been described as the 'serious one' (Serious people do Butt-Head impressions? Whoa, scary)

~Sleeps in boxers (WHO finds out this stuff? I mean, this IS NOT exactly your typical question; you can't exactly just walk up to a guy and ask)

~Has a dark blue toothbrush (that's fascinating, isn't it? I'm sorry, I'll stop putting these dinky little messages)

~Is rumored that when they were younger Taylor poured glue over his head and Isaac had to shave his hair off!!!

~He lead sings on A Minute Without You, Little Saint Nick, At Christmas, and Run Rudolph Run

~Someone said he "has girls on the brain."

~He has clear braces

~he says "I'd make a good boyfriend."

~Once he wrote a letter to a female friend and Taylor got it and ended with "I need you desparately"

~Sleeps on the top bunk in the room the guys share

~His first guitar came from a pawn shop

~He prefers the old legos to the new legos

~Is the most athletic member of Hanson (heard)

~Caught Taylor sleeping at the studio on his video camera

If you know of anything I missed please e-mail me.

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Clarke Isaac Hanson