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Ike Quotes

Isaac Quotes

"Brunettes are like, really cool." Oh yes! I'm a brunette and I'm PROUD!

"I could go to juvie instead of real prison."

"That is Rock'n'Roll, the other stuff is... other stuff."

"Thou shalt have a frog in thy bathroom!"

"Puppies are all warm and squishy inside, especially when the pee on you."

"Welcome to the Land of Hanson - we poop just like everybody else!"

"Zac kind of got stuck."

"Wouldn't it be cool is there was, like, this chick on stage...?"

"I started writing songs in the third grade and very soon after, I started playing."

"I don't think we want to get into the whole dating thing. I think it's about the music."

"We've heard great stories.... that we were immigrants from Sweden and MMMBop used to be called Ooompahpah."

"It's just things that happened. You can be inspired by all different things. Sometimes you just look out the window and something happens." - Ike on where they get ideas for their music

"I'm definitely very goofy."

"It can go as fast as it can come." Ike on fame

"It's deeper than most people give it credit for." Ike on MMMBop


"None of us has a girlfriend."

"I know mine will turn up one day."Ike on his 'soul mate' I guess

"We wanted to be a Boyz II Men/Ace of Base type group where we can sing harmony and dance."

"You could actually see the Hollywood sign from the deck on the back of the house."

"We bring a journal with us all the time. We write down everything that's going on."

"It's really amazing that, no matter what language they speak, people in so many different countries enjoy our songs."

"We do have groupies." -Now wherever did you get that idea, Ike?

"Yeah, you're so funny at night." Ike on Taylor

"Everytime we picked up the phone we heard screaming girls." Ike on early Hanson fans...I hate to think of what it's like now.

"We just love to play sports, period."

"You should interview us more often."

"I think we get into way less arguments."

"We like to tease and we fight all the time, but it's all in fun."

"We've done music with our friends also. My best friend is in a band..."

"We all took classical piano lessons."

"It's incredible to think your song could be in the top 40, much less number one. There's nothing to say but, wow!"

"We didn't write songs out, we'd just sing 'em."

"Hey, I will come to you, don't worry about it."

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