HIH Campaign
One of the things I've always admired about Hanson is that they're real. I don't mean
they're robots or something, I mean they're real inside. They have real thoughts,
real emotions, real answers, and real personalties. They've stayed down to earth
despite all of the commotion that surrounds them daily. Despite television commercials,
selling over 12 million albums, and being adored by people everywhere, they're still
three typical guys. They know it and they're proud of it. But do we?
Several of Hanson fans are teenyboppers. Several are not. It all depends. But do we,
the fans, actually acknowledge the fact the three guys who make up Hanson are only human?
We look at them and see three guys who seem to have it all. But things aren't always as they seem.
They admit they still get homesick. They still want to go home. They still want to see their friends.
They still want a somewhat normal life. Why? Because they're three guys.
I've noticed that during all of the interviews, the question about girlfriends was asked.
I've also noticed there are times when they pause before answering or share looks with each
other. Perhaps they've had girlfriends secretly. Perhaps they haven't. I'm not the person to
say. All I know is I wouldn't care one way or the other if they had a girlfriend. They're entitled
to it, aren't they?
I want Hanson to know they have true fans who really respect and admire them. Enough to let them
have as much of a personal life as possible. Who acknowledge that they're only human and we
do not expect them to be perfect.
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