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Tay Quotes

Tay Quotes

"Zac, you're pretty fly for a white guy."

"Beep! Wrong answer!!!! Do not pass go, do not collect $200!"

"Yeah, Zac was dropped on his head as a baby..."

"We're known as Ike, Tay, and Zac, not Posh, Butter, Spicy, and Rare, or whatever they are." -Khouri

"We like to throw him off random cliffs and see how he recovers." ~When Zac said they learned how to fly -Khouri

"I hate being asked why I have long hair, I mean it's just hair! It's no big deal!"

"Everybody argues, everybody fights, everybody has stress. When you have fun or enjoy what you're doing, you have to run with it, because life is a pain most of the time."

"Zac, you'd make a cute girl."

"Bands don't lose their hearing because of the music but because of the audience."

"People ask us if there's girls we write about and there's actually not. We just dream about them!"

"Sorry, we're gonna be sued by a few mothers. We didn't mean to chop your head off, I mean it was Zac."

"Look at my brother, Zac. He's just 11 years old. What's the point of him having a girl? What's he gonna do with her?" Please, nobody e-mail me with the answer, okay?

"You have to be yourself before you can be anything."

"Being serious is so boring."

"I may be a wild rock and roller but you won't catch me peeing in public."

"I wanna be a space man!!!!"

"I have to watch what I say 'cause I have a potty mouth."

"You wouldn't just walk up to somebody and like, lay one on ' wouldn't just, you know, 'Hi, nice to meet you,' tongue and all...ellllllullllllll" -Tay on kissing

"I'm not a girl, but I'm not going to drop my pants to prove it!" -from Karla

"is the kind of guy who thought he was gonna get married in the third grade." -Tay on Isaac

"Zac played the drums soaking wet on one song." -Tay on their experience recording Middle Of Nowhere

"We're basically best friends." -Tay on his relationship with his bros

"If music is what you do, you love it."

"Girls, girls, girls"

"If I saw a band like us, the first thing I would was, 'Fake!' They're put together; they don't write their own songs."

"We want to say right now that we're not going to put out Hanson dolls."

"You're always bashed for being the new thing."

"You definitely miss home."

"I'm right handed and not dyslexic."

"I love Freakazoid"

"I don't have a girlfriend yet. But if you live life, you meet girls. That's pretty basic."

"Don't believe everything you log onto." -Tay on online rumors - how '90's.

"Everything is exciting. Who knows what will happen next!"

"Everybody has their opinion. That's a part of life. It's fine, you know?" -Tay on Hanson Haters - very mature, Tay - much more mature than SOME (main point: SOME) Hanson Haters

"Zac's almost schizophrenic."

"Our parents are completely behind us, and they've always been."

"I'm the quiet one, obviously."

"Soccer is a favorite because that's the only one we're halfway good at."

"We don't have girlfriends..."

"I think a lot of times we're inspired by whatever happens-talking to friends, doing whatever, you get inspired and you write a song."

"Let's face it, we're going to be old for longer than we're going to be young, so we may as well make the most of it."

"If you get nervous, you don't act like the natural you."

"No, we just take our garage everywhere we go. Ya know, just send it on a plane."

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Jordan Taylor Hanson
