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Thanks To...

I made this page to give thanks and credit to the people who have helped me with 'Hanson Heaven.' So here it goes:

I would like to thank...

Angelfire - for letting me host this homepage and show my love for Hanson - Click here to get one too!

The Members of It's the Music That Matters - for loving Hanson for all the right reasons

Everyone - everyone who has made my page one of their faves and visits it often 8^)

Kay - for e-mailing me with Did You Notice notices, and for her three great stories, speaking of which Go read 'em!

Rebecca - for being the best and suggesting that I add a page featuring bands around Tulsa and offering to help. Also for telling me about my guestbook problem. Thanks always, Rebecca! :-)

My Mom - for letting me spend hours on the computer working on this page and for being the coolest Mom (she likes Hanson!)

And lastly, Hanson, the very reason this page was made!!!