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This is About Sami...

To begin with, my alias on the internet is Samantha. It’s not my name in real life, but it’s a name I happen to like. Physically, I have brown hair and eyes and I’m bi-racial. I also have my father’s build so I’m very muscular - sometimes I don’t like it but if I stopped working out then I’d gain weight *yuck*

By working out I mean playing sports and running and lifting weights, which are things I enjoy doing. I play softball, basketball, soccer, and run track (or I’m looking forward to). My favorite sport to play is soccer. Some people have told me it’s boring and perhaps in the leagues they’ve seen it is. But I play for a very competitive league (one of the highest in the country) and the competition is strong. My team and I are a low-budget team so we’re typically the underdogs since we only have a skills instructor and a coach who volunteers instead of a paid professional.

Yet we still win - proof being the underdog isn’t always a bad thing. We typically take our opponents by surprise. I play right defender so I typically get the taller, stronger girls. That’s the time I’m very glad I’m muscular because they can’t push me down.

Yes, girls do foul. If you think girls can’t play a contact sport rough, think again. Even I do: I push, I pull, I do practically everything. Except for one thing: I never fall on purpose. I saw a lot of that during the World Cup this year and I thought it was stupid. To me, it’s degrading: it’s like admitting your opponent is bigger and stronger than you and can push you down.

I’m very much like that at everything: I love being good at things. I love being one of the best. But I’m not at everything. I’m good at a lot of things but some things I can’t do at all. I’ve gotten used to it, though.

One of the things I think I’m good at is poetry and writing. I love both. I carry a journal with me that I write in often. Poetry is easier for me because I don’t really have the patience for long stories; I usually form the story in my mind so I want to get to the good parts.

My music taste isn’t just pop. I like pretty much everything. Hanson, Goo-Goo Dolls, Aerosmith, Radish, No Doubt, N’Sync, Mariah Carey, Jewel, Deana Carter, and much more. I’ve been trying to get a copy of Aaron Carter’s cd to see if I’ll like him.

That’s all for now; hope I enlightened you.

Well i am done now.
