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Guestbook Entries

I've had a lot of very mature and cool entries in my guestbook so I thought I would make a page to honor those people who are so cool & mature! Hope you like them and please send me your thoughts! :o)

Dessana's Entry

I'd like to say that this is one of the few Hanson sites out there with real quality. I've been to quite a few...and most emphasize on the fact they're fine instead of concetrating on the music...which is what it's all about. They could be the hottest things to graze the planet...but so what? People who don't even KNOW them go around saying: I love Taylor, Isaac or/and can you love them if you've never had a conversation with them? You can love their music, even their looks and the personalities they portray, sure. People think they know everything about Hanson, but it's VERY unlikely Hanson goes around advertising their personal lives and telling fans all their little quirks. People get too obssessive and that can be dangerous. You don't base your site on their looks at all and I liked that. I specifically liked the "important" post about that man who pretends to be one of the Hansons...I've met quite a few people on line who insist they converse with one of they guys continuously. Fans need to be more mature, and realize that there's about a 99.9% of the chance that they ARE talking to Hanson. Great work!

Gina's Entry

Cool page!! I just wanted to let you know that it's not only teenagers who like Hanson and their music. I happen to be a 27 year old mother. I like Hanson's music because it's easy to relate to what their music is about. I espicially like the song Weird. I really can relate to that one. Well it is kinda late here so I'm outta here.

Sarah's Entry

hey! i absolutely love your page! it's so nice to find pages made by other non-obsessive fans who actually like them for their music. :) anyways, you're doing an excellent job on this site! keep up the good work, and be sure to check out my site sometime!

Ashley's Entry

Hanson's cool and all, but I just want all you Hanson lovers to think for a minute. Why do you like Hanson? If the first thing that comes to mind is their looks, then I think you might have a little problem. They've said themselves that they want their fans to like them for their music, not their looks. All you who say music first, you're in the right place.

Derek's Entry

I am 15 years old, and probably the only guy, even only person in my school that likes Hanson. I think they're great, and I especially admire them for their talent. Thanks for the great webpage, and Hanson, keep on making great music!!