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Hanson Experiences

If you've ever been to a Hanson concert or appearance, please e-mail me and tell me your story so I can post it. Thank you.


Yesterday they were in Philly and /i went to see then in concert. We got box seats and they weren't that close but we could actually see them. The Admiral Twin was playing and I thought that they sucked. After a long time of waiting and setting up the stage, Hanson finally came out. The screaming was loud. They kicked the thing off with "Gimme Some Love." At the end, they played Man from Milwaukee. Then they went backstage.

The whole crowd started going, "Hanson, Hanson, Hanson, Hanson!" Finally, Zac goes, "You guys really want us back???" We started screaming and cheering. They came back and I couldn't even figure out what they were playing until they went, "You've got to break it down, you've got to get it out, just get on the floor." After that they played "Sumertime Blues" and it was constant screaming. At the end, it was the greatest experience of my life so far, even though my ears hurt from the noise and my hands hurt and were tired from clapping so hard and my hair was screwed up and I was coming down with lyringitis.

Katie's Experience

Well they performed at Hershey stadium. And it was packed!! Me, my mom, my sister, and my friend Amy attended. Little did we know that we would be attending the best thing that ever happened to us!! We find our seats, and we realize that we have really awesome seats!! So we were hyped about that! As we sat down, we looked around, and saw that Hanson's bus, and trailers, were behind this big wire fence. The fence went up along the sides of the bleachers. So there was no way anybody could get in.

Amy and I started to walk around then we noticed all these girls go running for the gate, so the two of us took of running. We climbed up the bleachers, and pushed our selves a head of all the girls, by that time we were pressed up against the fence. Then the guys stepped out from behind their bus and started to wave at everybody. Then they started walking into a little room that was RIGHT under us!! Guys, Zac, Taylor and Issac were 4 1/2 feet away from me!!!

As for the actual concert, it was great. They had us rocking the whole time! It was so wonderful! It was like what you see on t.v. only better, because I was actually there, to experience it live. I wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world. Hanson is very talented boys, and they deserve everything that they have received so far! One of the coolest things, was when Tay sat down at the drums and just stared playing! Their opening act, Admiral Twin, was really good. Everybody really got into the music! If you ever have a Hanson concert come to your town, you have to go, you won't regret any of it!!

Christie's Experience

I went to the Hanson concert in Atlanta, GA on Sunday July 5. When I got there I was waiting in line for shirts and all of the sudden a heard a bunch of screaming girls and behind a fence was hanson. everybody was going crazy pounding on the fence. i could see people back there and I saw Taylor's back. Security guards came out and made everybody leave the fence. Hanson sang Thinking of You, MMMbop, Weird, Where's the Love, I Will Come To You, Minute Without You, With You In Your Dreams, Man from Milwaukee, Stories, River, Give Me Some Lovin and a couple other songs.

In the middle Taylor took off his shirt like he did in Live at the 10 Spot. Near the end Taylor got on Zac's drum set for a minute and Zac went into the crowd. Then they all got water balloons and super soakers and sprayed the crowd. Zac threw his drum sticks in the crowd and started playing with glow in the dark sticks and Taylor threw his water bottle in the crowd. It all lasted about 3 hours.

Jennifer's Experience

My experience with Hanson was at a radio station in Arlington, Virginia. It was on November 20. I woke up at 3 a.m., so I could get to the station at 5. When I got there, there were only 7 or 8 other girls there. Even though it was about 20 degrees out we all waited for 2 hours and 15 minutes, until they finally arrived.

They couldn't stop 'cause they were about a half hour late. So, yet again, we all waited, except this time we only had to wait about an hour. On their way out they stopped their van and opened the doors, righht on front of me!!!!

My hands were numb, but somehow I managed to get some good pics. They couldn't get out and sign autographs, I'm not sure why, but I think it was cause they had to be another station in a hour and it takes an hour to get there. The guys really wanted to get out, they kept trying to, but someone (I think their dad) kept yelling "No, stay in the van." Even though I didn't get an autograph, but instead the possibility of frostbite, I still had a really good time.

Sandra's Experience

I got to meet Hanson at the 102.7 KIIS F.M.Party it was great. First it was like there was traffic jam but the party didn't start till 7:00 P.M. It was only 4:00 P.M. We wanted to get there early so that is why it was so early.

My friends Kristi, and Becky including me were like screaming out the window stuff like "We’re going to go meet Hanson today!" It was cool until this van was next to us and the guy told us to shut up - but of course we didn't when we got there we were the first people there.

When the party started we were all the way in the front we got to see Taylor perfectly (we all love Tay) Anyways I also had backstage passes so we got to meet Hanson. My friend Kristi said,"OH MY GOD IT’S TAYLOR, ZAC, AND ISSAC !!!!!!!!!"

We all started to scream and cry. I started to cry and then Becky followed and soon all three of us were like crying when Taylor came to sign my CD I almost passed out; my friend Kristi had to blow some air at my face. Taylor was kinda looking at me in a puzzled face but when Zac came I just got all happy and excited. I love Hanson they RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!