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Obsess Much?

This page was made for people who are obsessed with Hanson. As anybody should know, I am not. But I’m worried about some of you Hanson fans. I’ve been to a page where a guy said that a girl broke up with him because of Taylor Hanson. She imagined it was him when they were kissing!

This is my point. This has gone way beyond the ‘starstruck’ thing. Please don’t said you’ll have their baby, marry them, be their girlfriend, etc. I don’t doubt they love it (c’mon; what guy wouldn’t?) but what is happening is a bit frightening.

I watch videos and girls are proclaiming they ‘love’ a member of Hanson. Chances are they’ve never even talked to them in a sane enviroment. I don’t mind you claiming you think they look good, but ‘love’ is a bit on the extreme side.

Okay, now for Haters. Yes, yes, we all know them. Maybe you’ve even been made fun of for liking them (I have; you’re not alone). But first of all, understand that if they want to be ignorant that’s their choice. But that’s only if they decide anyone who likes Hanson is, well...’some inappropriate words here’

But if there’s people you know that don’t like Hanson but still like you; great! Please don’t say they’re terrible and horrid just because they don’t have the same tastes in music as you do. They’re entitled to their opinion.

Another thing; please don’t go to anti-Hanson websites and sign the guestbooks announcing the owner is ‘jealous’ ‘stupid’ etc. Why do you think they make the things in the first place? You’re simply giving them what they want; why would you do that?

Something else; don’t let Hanson run your life. There’s tons of more important things. Friends. Family. School. Work. Fun. If Hanson is a small part of your life, then you’re okay. But if you’re parents are actually thinking about moving to Tulsa just to shut you up, we have a small problem.

Also, please don’t like them for their appearance. It seems that everything I see about Hanson includes the fact that girls are “in love” with them. Appreciate their music. After all, that’s as much a part of them as their blonde hair.