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Isaac tossed yet another letter aside. His headache was killing him. He left the room, mumbling to his brothers, "I've gotta lie down." They said few words of concern before he couldn't hear their voices anymore. The pounding in his head was increasing.

Isaac tossed himself onto the couch, immediately closing his eyes. He could hear a million voices running through his head, "C'mon, we've gotta finish this recording by the deadline." "Isaac, you've got to hurry up and get to wardrobe!" "Well, it's the MMMBop boys!" "Isaac, honey, could you help me?" "HANSON! HANSON! HANSON!" The voices rambled on and on, in an endless stream of meaningless words.

Isaac tried to shut them out; it was killing him. He knew he couldn't let this happen. They'd worked so hard and for so long. It wouldn't be fair to them if he just suddenly gave up. But, Girlfriends. Jobs. He had a million opportunities waiting for him. But every time an opportunity came up, so did his little brothers' faces.

Taylor - such a conservative goof. He always knew what Isaac was going through. Or, he used to, anyway. He'd always lent an ear and a few words of well thought out advice.

Zac - so much more than what he let people see. Isaac knew Zac would help all he could if he knew. Zac was like that - always willing to help.

Then there was his parents and his other siblings. He often wondered about them; how they felt now that some of them were actually old enough to fully comprehend their brothers' world. They had been surrounded by Hanson Mania most of their lives.

But why? What was it all for? Isaac seemed to forget sometimes. They would arrive at the hotel at midnight after a concert, then they were up at six for a television appearance. He enjoyed it; but it couldn't feel this vast void inside of him. The more he tried to fill it, the emptier it seemed to become.

Isaac's thoughts were interrupted by a piece of paper thrown on his face. The messenger ran off before he could determine who it was. Nevertheless, he opened the small, smudged envelope and read:

Dear Isaac,
You know, I've never written a fan letter. I've heard you get tons of fan mail so you'll probably never read this, but what the hey. I've been listening to you and your brothers ever since the release of 'MMMBop.' I was only fourteen then, but I'm still glad I joined the "Scream Squad."

I'm sixteen now, and I've been diagnosed as maniac-depressive. I was fifteen when diagnosed, and my therapists all agreed the trigger was my Mom's death. Please don't think, "Poor little girl." That's the attitude I always get and I loathe it.

Two months after my Mom died, I decided to attempt suicide. I didn't think anything could make me smile anymore. So I found the Tylenol and got a glass of water.

That's when my little sister's radio turned on. They were playing, "I Will Come to You." Those were the first words I heard - and it was you singing.

Well, I suppose you know I didn't commit suicide since I'm writing this. But I just wanted to thank you. You inspired me, Isaac.

Sincerely, Paige

Isaac looked up at the ceiling and smiled. 'That's why,' he thought.

Fan Fiction
Send all comments to the author, Samantha, at