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Things on My Mind...

This is page was made for things that are on my mind about Hanson; whether it be their music, fans, haters, habits, or their behavior. Whatever.

This is something that’s been getting on my nerves lately. Girls proclaiming they are in love with Hanson or a member of Hanson. It’s not healthy, okay? There is no way to be in love with somebody you have never met, talked to, or even seen in real life. You can think someone’s attractive or they ‘seem nice’ but without meeting them in person you can’t be sure.

Also, every girl out there, please don’t say you’re going to marry one of them. It seems like they don’t even have a choice about who they get to marry. Also, if every single one of you are telling the truth all three of them are going to commit bigamy.

Something I think is even worse...saying you’re going to have their *ahem* *cough* BABY?!?!? First of all, they are way too young to be fathers (not to mention what a field day the press would have with it). They are also WAY too busy. So think logically, folks. Oh, *gag* I just got a mental picture.

Every girl that’s said or done these things have given ALL Hanson fans a bad name. If I tell somebody I like Hanson they immediately ask, “So which one do you want to marry?” See what I mean? I don’t want to marry any of them! I’d like to know the person I’m marrying, thank you very much.

Another thing...I’m rather fond of Hanson’s music (as you should all know). So if I should ever come up with the money to go to a concert (like that’ll happen) I’d like to be able to *ahem* HEAR! I’m begging you guys to stop screaming yourselves silly. Even Zac said it was weird when girls would scream their heads off but if they got to talk to them suddenly their mouths wouldn’t work.

Sorry you had to listen to me gripe; but hey; that why I like this page!

I've noticed this on almost (notice 'almost') every Hanson site I've been to. Apparently there is a Tulsa-Cam, where every five minutes you get a picture of Tulsa. The idea at first was original, but now everybody's using it and it's getting kind of dull. On practically every one I've seen I saw the wonder of skyscrapers and streets.

Okay, and the other issue I have with this is the fact that it just totally creeps me out. I know the camera is nowhere near Hanson's house and you can't see anything...but still! I mean, how would you feel if you knew a camera was on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (or maybe 366) over your town? It's enough to cause paranoia.

But please don't e-mail me saying I'm a mean, horrid, cruel person because I don't agree with this. I know a lot of people use it and a lot of people like it. That's fine with me, but just please don't expect it on this site.