I love listening to music, speaking or listening to Portuguese, to travel and to learn about other cultures and customs. I love trying to understand foreign languages, being so highly motivated to do something that I have a passion for (traveling). I love swinging on a swing but those who know me the thing I most love to do is to travel and talk. After graduating I will continue on to graduate school for an MBA. As fulfilling as that accomplishment is, I still hold my experience at the US as the pinnacle of all that I have done. During my years at The University of Kansas I had the opportunity to grow in ways I didn't imagine possible. I became more confident, more independent, and much quicker on my feet. Simply put I became more of who I truly am. When I say that my years at Kansas were the greatest years of my life, it comes after the life experiences of living the first eighteen years of my life in the tropical paradise of Paraguay and then living and studying in the United States. What I like the most in life is traveling and learning. To get a chance to a see new part of the world, experience a different culture, be a part of an international community and have unique educational opportunities.