About us!!!!!!!!

About us!!!!!!!!

ok ok now we havent done anything to this page for a while.....so i'll tell you a little bit about us

Megan, I am 14, my birthday is May 28th. Yes I play softball and soccer and volleyball and hockey and other sports and I like writing and reading. I seriously dislike Spanish (as a school subject, yup I had to add that useless info) you ya wanna know more about moi click HERE

Kristin is 14 and her b-day is in May too (lets just leave it at that) i dont know the ummmm 8? She lives in California and went to a Hanson concert too!!! And stayed in the same hotel as them (we think) And she also did take Pics......which i havent seen....or anything. HEY NOW ITZ KRISTIN. OK here's my real story. No my birthday is not the 8th its the 9th but good guess Sarah. I live in VIctorville, CA which is about an hour and a half away from LA. I did take pics at the concert and I will be putting them up on a page shortly. They aren't the best, hell they aren't even good. Some of them turned out OK, like the signs that were welcoming Hanson. I wasn't allowed to bring in a Camera to the Magic Hour. If I was allowed I would have had great pics cuz I was really close.

Hey this is Kristin again and check out my personal Cali-Syle web page at gurl mail California Girl's Way Cool Page

I think I look reallly reaky here.

OK since Sarah doesn't like Hanson anymore and is no longer a part of the webpage, I doubt she wants stuff about her all over the web.

things we have in common.....blond hair...we are both weird.....and friend ship, and obviously...HANSON LOVERS!!!


Email: iamiblab@gurlmail.com