You all stand there hugging and your mom kisses the top of each of your heads. You look up at her and smile. She lets go and says, “Taylor, I am so sorry for the way I treated you. I have always liked you right from the start, a lot more than her other boyfriends, especially Steve! I am so glad that you will be my son-in-law some day.” I am glad too,” says Tay, “And don’t worry about the way you acted, I probably would have flipped too.”

Your mom gives you one last warm smile and goes inside. Tay turns to you and says, “I better go and face the wrath of my parents, sometimes I envy you only having to deal with one parent at a time.” He gives you a quick deep kiss and you follow him back into the house. “Bye Mrs. Daweson,” Tay says as he leaves. “Call me mom,” she says. Tay laughs and says, “Bye mom.” He turns to you and kisses you once more, “Bye sis!” Your mom thinks this is the funniest thing and starts laughing. He walks out the front door and you yell to him, “Call me.” “OK,” he says back.

After almost 2 hours of pacing your room, the white and black phone by your bedside rang. You jumped onto your bed and answered it. “Hi honey!” it was your dad. You sulked but tried to sound cheerful, “Hi daddy!” “How’s my girl?” “Good.” “So are you ready for me to pick you up tomorrow?” “Sure, but I have a question,” “Shoot.” “OK, can I bring my boyfriend?” “Oh, you have a boyfriend?” “Yeah, just wait ‘till you see who it is.” “OK sure you can bring him.” “OK well I am waiting for an important phone call so I gotta go bye daddy I love you.” “Bye honey.”

As soon as you hung up, the phone rang again. You picked it up eagerly.


“Oh no!!!!!!!”


“Diana takes a stab at Taylor.”

“Who is this?”

“Taylor’s dying out there.”



“What are you talking about?”

“I am just giving you the play by play for Tay’s trial.”

“Oh, well is he done being persecuted yet?”

“The jury is making their decision.”

“Well, while he is on stand by can I talk to him.”

“OK here he is.”


“Tay, what happened?”

“Well, as soon as I got home, I got attacked by both of my parents.”

“Bummer. I guess I am lucky.”

“Yeah, I guess you are.”

“So are you in big trouble?” “I don’t know yet.”

“Jury still making their decision?”


“Never mind.”

“Hang on OK?”


You hear Diana talking to him. “Taylor, now I suggest that you call Ashley and apologize.” “She isn’t mad anymore, and I apologized already.” “OK, well I guess you are not in trouble. You better be way better behaved for now on and more smart, when you are by yourself with your girlfriend.” “OK mom.”

“I’m back.”

“OK, well since you are not in trouble, can you come with me to my dads for the weekend?”

“I don’t know, I have to ask.”

“Well, ask.”

“OK hang on.”


“Mom, can I go to Stacey’s dad’s with her for the weekend?” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “OK I just better not be getting a call from her dad!” “You won’t.” “OK, when you are done talking to Stacey let me talk to Ashley.” “OK.”

“She said yes.”

“Cool, my dad is coming at around 10 o’clock tomorrow OK.”

“I’ll be there.”

“I am coming over OK?”


The phone gets all static-like and you hear someone on the other end.

“Order in the court!!!”

“Hello?” you say.

“The case of Taylor Hanson vs. Diana and Walker Hanson has come to a close.”

“Hello?” Tay asks

“He has been found not guilty!!!! Judge Albertane steps down and goes home to Milwakee.”

“ZAC!!!” you both shout.

“Hi.” He says in a small voice.

“Get off mom has to talk to Ashley.”

“OK Tay, bye Stacey.”

“Bye Zac.”

You hear a click, he hung up.

“Hang on let me get my mom.”


You hand the phone to your mom.


“Hi mom!”

“Hi Tay.”

“Let me get my mom OK.”


Diana gets on the phone.


“Hi Diana.”

Tay comes over to your house and you let him in and you go up to your room. You start packing and he lays down on your bed and looks up at the ceiling. You have to reach around him and under your pillow to get your pajama’s and he pulls you down on top of him. He kisses you for a while and you let up. You smile and kiss him quickly on the lips and continue packing.

You hear the doorbell ring and you go downstairs with Tay behind you. You answer it and Tarah is standing there. He eyes were red. From crying, you guessed. You stepped outside and let Tay out and shut the front door. She immediately started screaming at you. “I hate you!” “What’s wrong Tarah?’ “You were supposed to be my best friend!” You moved closer to Tay and he put his arm around your waist. “Tarah, why are you mad at me?” “You were kissing Zac!” “Tarah, I’m sorry. It didn’t mean anything.” “Sure it didn’t! How could you do this to me or to Taylor? Aren’t you mad Taylor?” “I was at first, then Zac and Stacey explained everything to me.” “I thought you talked to Zac on the phone didn’t he explain?” you ask. “No, I didn’t want to talk to him after he told me what you did. I hung up on him.” “Well, he was trying to tell you.” “If it didn’t mean anything then why did you kiss twice?” “Look, I am not gonna get into this OK, I kissed Zac, we are NOT together and that’s all there is to it. Just call him.” “You stupid Bitch!” Tarah said angrily, then she socks you. You fell backwards into Tay’s arms. “Get out of here,” Tay says sternly. You get up. “How would you like it if I kissed Tay? Huh?” She grabbed Tay’s shirt and pulled him to her and kissed him, trying to swallow his whole face. He tried to pull away and you jumped on her back trying to pull her off of Tay. You pulled her hair and yanked until she let him go. You got off of her and yelled, “Stupid bitch!” Then you punch her and she falls backwards on the ground and you start crying into Tay’s shoulder and he walks you inside, leaving Tarah there.

Tay slams the door shut and tightens his embrace on you and you cry into him, loud sobs escaping from your throat. Tay walked you into the living room and sat you down on the couch, sitting beside you so you could cry into his shirt. Your mom was still on the phone with Diana and your mom looked over at you, when you came into the room. “Diana, I got to go, Tay and Stacey just came in and she’s crying really hard,” your mom said. “OK, OK bye.” She hung up. “What’s wrong?!” “It’s a long story,” Tay told her. She grabbed some tissue and handed it to you. “OH my GOD, Stacey, what happened, why is your eye black and blue?” You lookup, leaving 2 maroon colored pools of tears on Tay’s shirt “Me and Tarah had a fight,” you managed to squeeze out between sobs. “Tell me about it,” your mom said when you quieted down a bit. “Well, last night, I was teaching Zac how to kiss and when we were kissing, we felt a strong attraction and decided we needed to kiss and see if we felt anything. Tay walked out then and we had to explain to him and we made up which is why you saw what you saw when you came home but anyway, Zac called Tarah and tried explaining she didn’t let him. So, she came over crying and then we talked and I told her to call Zac and told he we weren’t together and she called me a Stupid Bitch and socked me then she said, ‘What if I kissed Tay?’ And she kissed him and I jumped on her back and got her off of him and I called her stupid bitch and socked her. Then, Tay brought me in here.” “You shouldn’t hit her back.” “Mom, I was being ripped apart inside, you don’t know what it feels like.” “I do,” Tay spoke up. “I’m so sorry,” you said and kissed him. “It’s OK, I understand now.”

Your mom hugged you, called Diana and told her what happened. You went into your room and stood in front of the mirror. “Great,” you murmur, “Now I have a black eye.” “You are still beautiful as ever,” Tay says pulling you back down in his lap. “Can I take you out to dinner?” “It’s a date,” you say brightening.


You and Tay are sitting at a table for two at Maurice’s, one of the best restaurants in Tulsa, where the prices were as rich as their food. You were sitting there waiting for the waiter or waitress to take your order. You heard snickers from a table nearby. You look over to see a couple of girls pointing and staring at Taylor. There was a bunch of balloons that said happy birthday in script lettering across them.

You figured that one of the girls was having a birthday dinner with some of her friends. You leaned closer to Taylor and whispered, “Those girls are staring at you.” “I know. They are jealous that I’m here with such a beautiful girl.” “Where,” you say looking around. He pulled you closer and whispered, “Let’s make them even more jealous.” then he kisses you. You deepened it and then, looked over at the girls. They were staring at you with wide eyes.

The waitress came over to you and took your orders. You ordered a salad with blue cheese dressing and he ordered ribs. You ate your salad and he ate his ribs while in between bites, you talked about your dads house. Tay was curious about the area where you lived and what type of things that you and your dad do together.

After dinner, you drive up to a point that over looks the city and stared at the stars. You fell asleep and were awakened by the warmth of Tay’s lips on yours. You kiss him back and he smiles down at you and says, “We’re here, I’ll be here tomorrow at about 9:00 am love you.” “Love you too, night.” “Night.”

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Chapter 7
I'd Walk Through Fire (chapters)
