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Meet Prince And Paris!

Meet Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., the first son born to Michael Jackson and his wife Debbie Rowe-Jackson on Febuary 13, 1997 at Cedars-Sinai. The boy weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and and came into the world at 1:07 AM after 25 hours of labor.
The boy became known more affectionately as Baby Doo-doo or Applehead. The child has a biege-olive complexion and dark hair. By the time he was a month old, the world saw his face, beeming and bright. And with dad on tour, he didn't stay still too long. Pictures were sold to OK! Magazine, who then distributed the pictures to other magazies, and yes, even tabloids worldwide. And why not? Afterall, his godmother was Elizabeth Taylor, his godfather Macacualy Caulkin!
Prince went everywhere with his doting dad. By the time he was 9 months old, he already owned a Junior Roadster and a puppet personally given to him by none other then Shari Lewis. Pictures appeared in life Magazine in December of 1997 of father and son. In the accompaning interview, Michael said that the child would only stop crying if he danced for him.

When his first birthday rolled around, the child recieved thousands of congragulations from friends and fans. Indeed, it had already been a year.

On April 3, 1998 at 6:26 AM, Michael and Debbie's second child, a daughter named Paris Michael Katherine was born weighing in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Debbie explained her name by saying "I wanted to name her Michael after Michael, but Michael said no, so we decided on Paris because that's where she was concieved..". Currently, Michael is at home with his new daughter, son and wife
Prince and Paris were indeed born into a Pop culture phenominon knowns as Michael Jackson. To be Micheal's children will actually prove to be challenging for these little guys, for if either decides to follow in their famous pop's footsteps, they will have some pretty large loafers to fill.

"Not the stars, not the farthest of solar systems, not the millions of diffrent speces of animal life, but the child is the greatest of God's creations" ~ Michael Jackson

Prince, one year old

Thanks to The King Of Pop Website For The Top Picture and MJJ Online for the bottom one!

Pictures of Prince Michal Jr!!

