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Hi, and welcome to my page!  I hope you enjoy the stories, and if you are unlcear on what Hanson fanfiction is or what fanfiction itself is, go here: The Amazing World of Fanfic.


* My newest story, (if you could even call it that) is still just a baby, but it is coming along quite nicely and might be up sometime during the school year. *

* What are bulletproof marshmallow? Does anyone really know (maybe it's a secret that no one knows)? Because I sure would like to! Thoughts? Ideas on this? *



Chapter 1

Chapters 4-7

Chapters 8-11

Chapters 12-15

Chapters 16-17


And the sequel....

Possession II: Claire's Revenge

Hey! Do you like DragonballZ?? Do you like my fanfic? If the answer was yes to both of these questions, take a trip to my DragonballZ fanfic site:

ChiChi's Fanfic!

Click below to e mail me:

the hanfic awards 2000

hansonzine... fiction from the corner of NOWHERE ROAD