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You are here to meet GOD. This is a very big step. Congratulations.
Now, you only need one thing to truly meet GOD.


Yes, it seems hard to imagine, but this is true. You see, since the beginning of time, we have been searching for the great "IT," constantly thinking IT was, is, something outside of us.
We believe some people have found this IT and worship them for doing so: Jesus, Siddhartha (Buddha), Mohammed. We hope that with their great power, and our being really good, then we too can be saved by them.
If we were to truly take their teachings to heart, however, we would see that they are not asking us to worship them, or even some idea of a God. Jesus said, "Follow me and know love. Follow me and know God." He didn't mean follow him around and try to know his love or his God.

What he meant was, follow him along as if we were all singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." He had found IT! And he wanted everyone to find it by following his example, not falling at his feet. Now, when you sing "Row,Row, Row Your Boat," your are following the leader, but you do as they do and use your own voice at the same time.

You are important, you as you truly are.

When we say all paths lead to the same place, it is to this which we refer. Since you are here, you may as well know now: No matter what you do, know matter where you go, no matter how much you try and not be IT, you are.

We were taught at a very young age that it was bad being IT, no-one wanted to be IT, and we stopped being IT as quickly as possible by making someone else IT.

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Home The Story that Started Us
This is about one world Starting a Local Chapter
What will one world do? Welcome to one world
The Future The History of one world
Local Chapter Application
Meet God
