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Librarian's Desk

Please fill in the form to leave any queries, comments or ideas, and someone will get back to you soon... Promise!!

1. Name: 2. Location: 3. E-mail:
  4. How do you find my site?:  

5. Comments: Your comments, credits and criticisms are all appreciated. If you have any urls for me, enter them here:

Site Statistics

You don't have to answer the questions in this half of the form, but I would appreciate it if you did. The questions are to help me understand who is using my website for what reasons... TIA, M.

6. Gender: Male Female I'd rather not say...   7. Occupation:
8. Age: Under 18 18-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50+   9. What did you use my site for?:

Thank You For Your Time!

I have been having a few problems with this, so if it won't send, please just e-mail me with the details as above... Thanks!