Well, South Park the funniest cartoon in the WORLD!!
And a cool thing about is it 'aint no little kid show.
Those little bastards swear their asses of to make us
laugh. Before I say anymore South Park in Canada is on at
12:05a.m. Friday night on Global.In the U.S. it's on 10:00
on Comedy Central.
Anyway the main characters are:
(dies every episode)
note:The animation in this show is NOT 3D infact the
animation bites
but that doesn't stop it from being a
kick ass show.
Continuing on, South Park has other characters such as
Chef, Mr.Garrison, Ike, Pip etc. but the pics are the
main chars. As
I mentioned above Kenny dies every
episode but still
manages to come back and make us
laugh.Also you
can't understand a damn word Kenny says
because his jacket
muffles it out (purposly) but if
you listen carefully you
can make out what he says he
is one dirty bastard you
can see some rough estimates
of what he says here