Should kids be able to eat while in class? Traditionally in schools, students have not been allowed to eat anything in class. It was considered rude and a distraction to the lessons going on. Teachers have been breaking the rule recently and have started to let kids eat in class. They think it's too long a break between breakfast and lunch. They let them have just a "little snack" and I think it should stop. It is rude and disturbing when you're not doing the eating. Here are some reasons why we should go back to the old rules. Some of the smells of artificial food today(some of which smell like dog food) are very strong and almost nauseating. Kids or teachers may get sick to their stomachs. Other people get headaches from these strong odors. Then the kids would have to spit it out and would be mad because it was a waste of good food. Another reason is that kids may call attention to themselves by blowing bubbles, chewing like a cow, or crunching loudly. This would interrupt class and make the teacher angry. It would also be very distracting to the other students in the class who are trying to concentrate on their schoolwork. I would prefer not to have to deal with other people's bad table manners in the classroom- it's bad enough in the cafeteria! My last reason is that eating in the classrooms would make the janitors do way too much extra work because of all the wrappers and food that would be all over the floors. How would you like it if you had to scrape chewed gum off the floor or pick up drooled-on half-eaten cupcakes? You probably wouldn't like it that much. What if all the janitors quit because the job became so disgusting? Then what would we do? It's bad enough that they have to do so much work for so little money. Why should we make them do more? For these reasons I think kids should NOT be able to eat in class. It makes the janitors work harder, distracts the students, and may cause health problems for some teachers or students. But most importantly, it does not fit into the idea of a disciplined classroom environment. Eating should be a relaxed activity enjoyed at appropriate times. It has no place in a classroom where a structured setting is necessary for a good education to take place.
