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Sailor Jupiter

she is a cheif and a "karate maniac"

she is strong and independent

she is a loyal friend and would fight for her pals

she is the princess of thunder


kind hearted and not easily intimidated, this warrior is known for her strength

she is protective and strives to gain more power to protect

she makes lovely food that could make your mouth water

and she is a strong warrior who is also a gentle friend.


Sailor Jupiter's Profile
Name: Makoto Kino(JP) Lita(NA)
Birthday: December 5
Sign: Sagittarius
Age: 14 and older later on the series
Color: Pink
Food: cherry pie
Favorite subject: Home Economics
Least favorite food: none
Worst subject: physics
Has trouble with: airplanes
Hobby: bargain-hunting, cooking
Dream:being a bride, selling cake, selling flowers