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Okay well as you know my name is Shirley! I hate my name. Whenever people just meet me they always think about Shirley Temple and tell me. I hate that! Why do you people tell me these stuff I don't care about? Well anyway please read the list of my favorites.

Favorite color- blue
Favorite number- eight quadrillion
Favorite subject in school- writing
Favorite foods- cheese, baked potatoes, Munchos, Slim Jims, peanut butter, and pretzels.
Favorite drink- Cherry Coke
Favorite candy- Hershey's Cookies n' Cream
Favorite tv show- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite movie- Forrest Gump
Favorite actor- Will Smith (he's so cute!)
Favorite actress- Sarah Michelle Geller (she's on tough girl!)
Favorite animal- cheetahs (I love how they run!)
Favorite sports- Volleyball and Track (I'm a fast runner)
Favorite part of body- the brain (I'm so smart)
Favorite part of my homepage- Don't know...I love it all!
Favorite language- Spanish (they're fast talkers)
Favorite website- Mine of course!
Favorite talkshow- Jay Leno!! It rules, but Jay has a big chin
Favorite word- dimwit and catastrophe
Favorite saying- You Dimwit!
Favorite book- Chasing Redbird
Favorite author- none....all authors have only a couple of good books, and then the rest suck!
Favorite ice cream- cookie dough and cookies and cream
Favorite singer- me!! I'm the best singer in the world!
Favorite band- None....I'm more interested in my singing!

And now back to A Space Place
