This is a game made simply for fun. It has been inspired by two games on the Commodore Amiga, which in turn had been inspired by another game. I made this game for two reasons. One: I knew of no version available for the PC that was much fun. Two: So that I could learn from making it, and people could have fun playing it. This game has no ray traced graphics, no texture mapping and no 3-D rotational views. But it does have one quality which makes it better than some that do. IT IS FUN! The two games from which this was inspired are called BIP (BIPlane duel) and Dogfight. Both are available on the Commodore Amiga. BIP was made "in memory of fun computer games". I hope that this is fun too. It is dedicated to the sport of gliding.The aim of the game is to take control of a Bi-plane, and fly around the screen shooting other planes and trying not to crash it or be shot.You have control of one of a possible eight bi-planes in one of eight colours. The plane can travel in any of twelve directions, but you must first take off, by turning on the engine and building up speed. Once up to speed, you must take off by twisiting the plane upwards. This game is completely FREE! So DOWNLOAD NOW!
This is a game of tanks battling for survival. A very exciting game and is always freeee to download. To download click here.
It was originally written with a 286 processor, and it took a lot of effort to optimize the code to get a version to run on that old dog. Now of course I have the opposite problem, it runs too fast with the latest Pentium chips. The newer version has a speed option from the command line to slow down the game to any speed desired. You can download the latest version here.
Escape from Cypress High School is here!
Blow away your teachers!
Win friends!
Influence people!
Yes, that's right, the IBM computer game you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Escape from CHS is a thrilling 3D action game in which you must escape the tortures and rigors of the hell they call school all the while shooting teachers and other lowlifes, how fun! Click here for the game.