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Wesley, My brother... Sweet dreams...

My counter decided to break. So..I have no clue what number you are.

Updated 1*14*04 new pictures

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***Things Are Different***

Hey, This is Stephanie, I am currently working at the local 24-7 gas station. I hate it but it pays my bills. Just got a new car, I love it! 2002 rodeo fully loaded, its SWEEEEEET. Lizz and I have been together for two years now, wow... time flys when your practically married. We still live in the same place and now Tabatha, a friend of ours, is living with us. Of course as lesbians are known for thier drama there has been plenty in the last year, but we are keeping the peace pretty much. Had to kick some a** and take some names, but all in all... its alllllll goooood. But just so everyone knows Im the happiest girl in the world. :):):) Lately I have been having alot of fun with life... just living it, finally. Well I will update as needed on my life.. have fun roaming.


Lots of love to my family that is spread all over Texas...(who shall remain nameless) With the exception of my grandparents Sarah . After a courageous battle with lung cancer, Sarah passed from this life on May 11, 2000. Her husband Gene has since joined her in heaven due to a fatal car accident December 1, 2001. Together forever as it should be. They will be missed by thier family and friends. I love you granny and pappy, and will miss you more than words could express. Take care of us from where you are.
Heys Hellos and um Hi!!!
a big hello, hug and kiss and I love you to my beautful dykie baby, my wife Lizz. I love you more than words can express
big fat hi to my friends from home. Dont have the time or desire to name names, but you know who you are.

This page is always under construction, please pardon the mess

you should e-mail me! ignore any other email address but this one, its the final one.