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Syrian Hamster Housing


There are many different types of hamster cages. The traditional wire cage is ok to use, but I don't recommend them. Wire cages rust and can be expensive to replace. Plus, hamsters like to burrow, and when they do bedding falls out from between the bars, making a huge mess.

Tubular of housing is fine for a young Syrian, however, adult Syrian hamsters may get stuck if the tubes are too small. If you use this type of cage, try using one like shown below:

If you don't like any of the hamster cages on the market, it's fine to use a fishtank. Just make sure you put a wire lid on top so your hamster does not escape!


You might not think so, but choosing the right type of bedding is very important. The best kind of bedding to use is one that breaks easily when you rub it between your fingers. Do not use fluffy bedding! Cotton or wool bedding is rarely seen in pet stores, but still do not use it! If your hamster putts it into his cheeck pouches he won't be able to remove it! If it swallows the fluffy bedding it can cause stomach blokages and will probably kill it. Also if fluffy bedding gets wrapped around a leg, it can cut off circulation or even take the leg off! Pine bedding is best to use.


Hamsters love expolring, and they also like to play. Most hamsters will run several miles a day if given an excercise wheel. Your hamster might also enjoy running in an exercise ball out of the cage. Hint: This is really helpful when you are cleaning the cage!

In the wild, hamsters build tunnels in their homes. They love plastic tubes and will run through them for hours. If your hamster cage dosen't have connectors for tubes, just put the tubes into the cage. Don't clutter the cage! One toy at a time is plenty. Switch them every month or so so that your hamster doesn't get bored.

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