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Visit our Usenet Newsgroup! If your ISP's newsreader doesn't have it, you can get it by going through Google Groups, type in the search box. Read posts by your fellow SPC fans and post your own messages.

This web page is about the Samurai Pizza Cats news group. If you don’t know what news groups are it’s a part of user net, user net was made for people don’t have to e-mail a whole lot of people to get information around. User net is filled with tons and tons of news groups inside, each news group has a topic or title (name). If you’re looking for a news group you should use search engines like Yahoo or Google. News groups is a place were community’s get together to keep informed about information to ask question to talk about the topic of the news group and to find out if an event will be happening. The Samurai Pizza Cat news group is for Pizza Cats fan’s to hang out and exchange information. Be careful of spamers, flamers, and trolls, these people will mess up a news group for every one, here is a definition of the three. Spamers; these people will try to scam money out of other people. Flamers; these people will come into news groups and try to take over, they also cross post and say bad words. Trolls; these people try to get every ones attention by posting things that gets every one angry so that they will get a responds to there posts. Don’t worry about our news group its clean and fun.

Wish to learn more about go look at the SPC news group FAQ.