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Brief information about our main Channels:

  • Arts: History of Arts of Uzbekistan
  • Business: Important information to know about the Business in Uzbekkistan
  • Cities: Large cities of Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva
  • Education: Education in social and economic life of Uzbekistan
  • Entertainment: Address of Museums, Exhibitions, Theatres and Concert Halls of Tashkent.
  • Geography: Information about People, Economy, Transportation, Communication, Defense.
  • Government: Brief information about Government of Uzbekistan.
  • History:Historical center, political and religous activities in the history of Uzbekistan.
  • News:List of news sites regarding Uzbekistan.
  • Reference: Holidays, Maps and more.
  • Regions: Basic information about the regions.
  • Travels: Important to know before traveling to Uzbekistan.
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    Alisher M. Akramkhanov