Bamacutie's mIRC Graphic's
........,@@@@@@, ......,@@@@@""@@,......_.._ ...,..@@@@@ . . @@:\...(.\/.) ..{{^\@@@C.._-_)@.:..\...\../ ..{{:\\@@@).(@@'..:.......\..\/...(\/) ..{{::\\./...\---.:.__\_\.............\/ ...\`::\(.,...\{___:---._) ....`"`";.\..\|_.-;====I======{> ....{{..|..\.._.-':.../ (\/)....|..(\/)...:../ .......\/......\\...:.\\_.............\/....:/ ............... | ......).) ................... ............. ..|....././. _ ........ ...............(_(____) |
The following are links to the original text files in which these graphics were delivered.
BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v. 1 | awesome, barney, babytend, bday, bfly, boobgift, bootiful, bozo, budweis, cave, caveman, cherries, cupid9, devilnew, diver, eagler~1, eagleswp, kiwi, enrgizer, foxy, grapes. |
BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v.2 | jokers, kinky, kissfrog, kitrat, lilgirl, luvya, mayabee, mdoc, mixedrnk, moonshin, msquare, mstars, mswans2, name, nana2, nanana, nwatch, notdrunk, octopus, peace, pervert, pie, pigfly, powder |
BamaCutie's IRC Graphics v.3 | Peacock, Peas, PeasNpod, Ragdoll, Rhinofun, Romeo, Screw, Seal, SkateB, ..SkinDip: SlpyHrny, Snake, Soup, StrBerry, Sunshine, Sylvster, Team, ThumbUp, Toys, Tulips, TurnFrog, UmyBear, Unicorn, UsedBear, Whale, Witchy |
"Bamacutie's mIRC Graphic's":
Created: 28 May, 1998 - Carol Whyte.
(C) April, 1997 Maya (Bamacutie). All Rights Reserved. Maintained in New Zealand.