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Our expedition lasted 16 days of which 11 were spent walking in Corsica at a total cost of £190 each. Whilst in Corsica we walked a total of 98 miles (158km) carrying 10 days food and equipment and climbed and descended 31903 feet (9724m), greater than the height of Mount Everest. Between the three of us we lost 2½ stone in body weight, maybe an indication of the standard and amount of food carried. Richard's boots arrived home looking more like sandals and there are still stains in my T-shirts after several washes.

Our target of completing the GR20 was always doubtful as 14 days are recommended to reach Conca. However, our achievement exceeded the Queen's Scout Award requirements and proved that we were able to meet the challenge of the most difficult footpath in Europe. Whilst on the footpath the thought of returning one day seemed insane. Having now settled back into civilization and comparing traveling through rush hour traffic to reach work and the peaceful solitude of the majestic mountains, I wonder which is more crazy.


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