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Suffixes in Akbiekdi.
All suffixes in Akbiekdi may start with -k, -g or -t, and almost all
of them always end in -e or -u.

Any letter and any number of letters may appear between a suffix's 
starting letter and the final one.

Many suffixes do the work of simple adjectives and adverbs.

These are a few examples of suffixes:

-o		makes any word a noun (this suffix is an exception).
-ke		big, large
-txe		small, little
-ku		old
-kere		young
-tikke		good
-tsimu		bad
-kniru		opposite meaning, "not X-adjective"
-kulu		fast
-gartu		slow
-gefe		a lot
-tzitu		a little
-tamtu		next
-geze		previous

Notice how you can use the suffix -kniru to make the opposite of other
suffixes, but this is usually used for emphasis:

narokeo		big room
		(naro "room" + ke "big" + o "noun")
narotxeo	small room
		(naro "room" + txe "small" + o "noun")
narokekniruo	small room, "not-big room"
		(naro "room" + ke "big" + kniru "not" + o "noun")
narotxekniruo	big room, "not-small room"
		(naro "room" + txe "small" + kniru "not" + o "noun")
