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My Story

Coping with Frustration

This is my story. I was diagnosed with MVP when I was 31. I had an episode of atrial fibrilation, which ultimately led the doctors to running tests. The tests showed I had MVP. Its not a life threatening disease, its not even a disease. Its a condition where the mitral valve in your heart does not close properly. This causes mild or severe regurgitation of the blood from your heart. In most cases, there are not supposed to be problems.

But...many people also suffer from MVPS which attacks the nervous system. This can cause fluttering of your heart, anxiety, sleeplessness, headaches, pains in the chest. The list goes on......You can have it for years with no symptoms and then POW! It hits ya. The doctors think you are crazy, its all in your head. Well I'm here to tell you that you are NOT crazy.

The first thing I did when I finally got connected to the internet, was to look up MVP. I found the pandamedicine message board. Through this board I was able to see that I was not the only one out here with these problems and symptoms. There are many more. Four months after I posted several messages on this board, I began receiving emails from people just finding out they had MVP. Most also had the symptoms for MVPS. There were so many questions, I decided right then and there to create a website for MVP and MVPS with links to other websites and information. I hope that this will help those who are looking for this kind of information. I also set up a message board which I hope will be used as a support system. The other boards don't work anymore. If you have time please visit and leave a message! Thank you!!!

Well thats my story, thanks for reading it, know that you are not alone!

Email: Click here to email me!

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