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A'amal for the Day of Ashura

Salaams on my mazloom Imam.


  1. On seeing each other give condolences with the following words:

    "May Allah bestow upon us and upon you great reward for grief of Imam Hussein (as), and make us and you amongst those who will assist Imam Mahdi (as) to avenge his killing."

  3. Recite Suratul Ikhlas (x 1000)
  4. Recite the following (x 1000)
  5. "O Allah! Send your la'na (curse) on those who killed Imam Hussein (as)."

  6. Pray 4 rakaats salaa in units of 2 rakaats:
  7. i) 1st Unit:

    1st Rakaat: Suratul Hamd followed by Suratul Kafirun

    2nd Rakaat: Suratul Hamd followed by Suratul Ikhlas

    ii) 2nd Unit:

    1st Rakaat: Suratul Hamd followed by Suratul Ahzaab

    2nd Rakaat: Suratul Hamd followed by Suratul Munafiqun

  8. Recite Ziyarat - e - Ashura followed by 2 rakaats salaa for the ziyarat.
  9. Recite Dua Alqama
  10. Go back and forth seven times reciting the following each time (just as Imam Hussein (as) did when he was taking Hazrat Ali Asgher back to the camp after he was struck by Hurmala's arrow.)

    "Indeed we are from Allah and to Him we return. I accept what He has intended and am content with His order."

  12. Recite Ziyarat of Condolence at Asr time followed by 2 rakaats salaa for the ziyarat.

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