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His Eminence Ayatullah al-Udahma al-Haj as-Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini al-Khamene'i
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution And The Islamic Republic of Iran

Birth and Lineage

  • His Eminence Ayatullah al-Udhma al-Haj as-Sayyid Ali al-Hussaini al-Khamenei (May Allah prolong his life) was born in 1939 in the Holy City of Mashad, Iran, in a respected scholarly family.

  • His father, Ayatollah al-Haj as-Sayyid Jawad, was amongst Mashad's erudite ulema (clerics). For years on end, he used to lead Fajr (morning) prayers at Gouhershad mosque and Dhuhr (midday) and Isha (evening) prayers at Bazaar Mashad mosque. He was a well-known preacher. He died in Thil Qi'da, 1406/1986 at the age of ninety-three.

  • His grandfather, Ayatollah as-Sayyid Hussain, was one of Azerbaijan's ulema. He lived in Khyaban, Tabriz and later emigrated to the holy city of Najaf in Iraq where he settled and devoted himself to teaching and research. He was renowned for his scholarship and piety. He shunned this life and was contented.

  • His aunt's husband was the scholar martyr Sheikh Mohammad Khyabani, born in Kamana, Tabriz. He was given the surname of Khyabani for he used to hold congregational prayers at Karim Khan mosque in Khyaban , Tabriz. He was one of the famous ulema in the era of constitutionalism. The late al-Haj Mohammad Baqir Badamchi, the well- known mujahid at the time of constitutionalism and a contemporary of Sheikh Khyabani, was quoted as saying, "He was the most pious, and the most knowledgeable amongst his peers". Sheikh Khyabani became a deputy in the National Assembly for the constituency of Tabriz; he led an uprising against the regime of the time and was martyred in Tabriz.

  • His mother was the daughter of Sayyid Hashim Najafabadi, one of the well-known ulema of Mashad. She was a chaste and honourable woman, who had knowledge of religious injunctions. She had very high moral principels. She died of a heart attack in Muharram, 1409/1989 at the age of seventy-six. As to his marital status, Ayatollah al-Udhma Sayyid Khamenei is married and has six children.


  • Ayatollah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Khamenei lived his childhood under the care of his father, who was a loving parent and committed to bringing up his children in the best way. He spared no efforts in teaching them.

  • Those years were very hard on Sayyid Khamenei because of poverty. He said, "The days of my childhood were very difficult because of the Second World War. Although Mashad was outside the battle zone and most goods were by comparison cheaper than other towns , yet because of our family's material want, we could not afford to eat wheat bread. We usually ate barley bread, and at times a mixture of both. I can recall that sometimes we had nothing to eat. At dinner time, my mother used to take the money which my grandmother gave me and my brothers and sisters, to buy milk and raisins for us to eat with bread.

  • The house where I was born, and in which I spent some five years of my childhood, was built on a plot of land of not more than seventy square metres. It comprised one room and a dingy narrow cellar. It was in a poor neighbourhood of Mashad. As my father was a leading cleric, he was frequented by guests and when they came around, we used to stay in the cellar until the guests left. Later, some of my father's friends bought us a plot of land that was later annexed to our house and where an extra two rooms were built.

  • Our clothing was in no better state than our food or accommodation. My mother used to sew us garments from the somewhat worn-out clothes of our father. The finished products looked funny as they were patched up from different colours and fabrics. The length of these garments was just under the knee. It is worth noting that my father did not usually acquire new clothes very often. For example, he kept one garment for some forty years".

    His Education and Studies

  • At the age of five, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei and his elder brother Sayyid Mohammad were sent to Makatib (Qur'anic classes). Then they were enrolled into a religious primary school.

  • These schools were established by the faithful during the corrupt rule of Reza Khan. The aim of such schools was to provide children with a basic religious education. It had no remit to grant its graduates official certificates. In addition to the primary school curriculum, the schools taught Qur'anic recitation and classes in books such as Hiliatul Mutaqeen, Hisabus Siyaaq and Nisaabus Sibyan.

  • After he finished the primary school course, he attended evening classes in a state school, without the knowledge of his father, and obtained a certificate. He then enrolled in a secondary school for two years where he obtained a diploma.

  • As for religious studies, he studied Arabic grammar at the religious school. He read the books Sharhul Amthila, Sarf Mir and Tasrif, which are Arabic syntax books under the supervision of his father. He also read the books al-Awamil and al-Inmuthaj, to gain further insight into the realms of Arabic, under the supervision of two teachers. At the age of fourteen he joined Sulaiman Khan school to study religious sciences where he studied the books al-Samadiyya and al- Suyuti and a little of al-Mughni, which are religious law Books .

  • He attended his father's class of al-Shara'i (religious injunctions). When he arrived at the book of Haj (pilgrimage), his father asked him to join his other class in Sharhil Luma' al- Dimashqiya, the book of Haj, which deals with jurisprudence in general. He further requested his son to discuss matters with his elder brother Sayyid Mohammad. Sayyid Ali Khamenei then joined Nawwab school of religious sciences where he completed Sutuh, (secondary level of religious training, dealing with principles of jurisprudence). This led to his attending Bahthil Kharij (graduation classes) under the supervision of Ayatollah al-Udhma Sayyid Milani.

  • It is seldom that a youth of sixteen can reach this advanced level in religious studies.Ayatollah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Khamenei attributes this achievement to his father's keenness to ensure that his son should embark on the road of perfection. He says, "To my father goes the credit of choosing for me the perfect path of knowledge and the ulema. He instilled in me the eagerness to embark on such a journey. When I started my first classes in religious education the difference in age between my father and I was forty five years. Furthermore, my father was a distinguished cleric with permission (ijaza) to deduce legal judgements. Under his supervision many religious students reached lofty levels. It was therefore not befitting for him, whose status was that of an eminent scholar, to teach me in my first steps in religious studies. He spared no efforts in ensuring that we got our share of his care. He coached my elder brother and I, and afterwards, our younger brother. We are indebted to him for our upbringing and study, especially myself, for had it not been for him I would not have reached thus far in the fields of acquiring knowledge in fiqh (jurisprudence) and usul (principles of jurisprudence).

  • Before I headed for Qom to continue my higher religious studies, I attended general classes in Mashad alongside the classes of my father. During summer recess, my father worked out a programme for study under his own supervision. For this reason, there was no break in my study, not even during school holidays, which was not the case for the students of religious learning centres, which used to close during Muharram, Safar, and Ramadhan of the Hijri calendar, and during summer holidays. I thus completed the requirements of the Sutuh level leading to graduation classes (bahthul kharij) at the age of sixteen".

  • His Eminence Ayatollah al-Udhma Sayyid Ali Khamenei adds, "I started teaching right after I graduated from the primary school, during the time of my religious studies at the Islamic seminary. I supervised the learning of two elderly students, who were reading the book "Sarf Mir". Up to 1958, at which time I started living in Mashad, I used to teach Arabic syntax and grammar, figures of speech, principles of jurisprudence and jurisprudence. In Qum I also combined study with teaching.

  • After my return from Qum to Mashad in 1964, teaching was one of my main occupations. During these years, and until 1977, I supervised students at the level of advanced sutuh, teaching Makasib of Sheikh Ansari in jurisprudence and Kifayah in usool (exegesis), and Aqa'id (beliefs).

  • In 1957, I had the honour of visiting the holy places in Iraq. The atmosphere of the Islamic seminary (hawza) of Najaf gave me an overriding urge to stay there. I managed to stay for a short while but my father did not agree to my settling there. I therefore returned to Mashad after a year.

  • In 1958 I moved to Qum with the permission of my father. I stayed there until 1964 when I returned to Mashad because my father had lost his eyesight. Some of my teachers opposed my leaving Qum vehemently".

    Imam of Tehran Friday (Juma) Prayer

  • After the sad demise of Ayatollah Taleqani in 1980, the late Imam Khomeini issued a decree in which he appointed Sayyid Khamenei Imam of Tehran Juma Prayers. In some parts of the decree the late Imam said, "In view of your honourable past and your capabilities, both your skills and scientific religious knowledge, it has been decided to appoint your Eminence Imam of Tehran Juma Prayers". He still occupies this post.

    His Leadership

  • The late Imam Khomeini reiterated many times that Sayyid Khamenei was qualified to be the leader. In this regard, Sheikh Hashemi Rafsanjani says, "During our audience with the late Imam in the presence of the prime minister, Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, and the commanders of the three armed forces, we discussed this particular issue. We said if the leader (Imam Khomeini) passes away, we must face a constitutional problem as there should not be a vacuum in the leadership. The Imam said: "There will not be any vacuum. The leader is amongst you." "Who is it?" one said. In the presence of Sayyid Khamenei, the Imam answered, "It is Sayyid Ali Khamenei".

  • One day I plucked up some courage and went to visit the Imam and discussed with him certain matters. I spoke with him on the issue of succession and the problems that may arise. Unequivocally, the Imam replied: "You will not face a blind alley as long as Ayatollah Khamenei is amongst you. Why are you not aware of this?".

  • Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini said, "When Ayatollah Khamenei was on a visit to Korea, the Imam was following the visit on television. He was very impressed by the big reception accorded to him by the Korean people, the speeches he gave, and the talks he conducted there. He remarked: "Indeed, he is worthy of leadership".

  • It seems that a sort of Divine inspiration may be detected in words of the late Imam Khomeini to Sayyid Khamenei, "When you travel, I become very anxious until you have returned. So, do not travel frequently."

  • Imam Khomeini passed away at 10.20 p.m. on Saturday, 3rd June, 1989. The following day, members of the Council of Experts held an extraordinary meeting. Twenty hours later, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei was elected spiritual leader of Muslims and Leader of the Islamic Revolution. He polled sixty votes from a total of seventy-four members who were present. At the end of its meeting, the Council issued the following statement, "We would like to express our sorrow at the sad demise of the Leader of the Umma, (nation), and the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Stemming from a sense of historical responsibility, a recognition of the importance of the position of the leader in the government system of the Islamic Republic, an understanding of the importance the late Imam attached to the position of leader - through his calls and statements , the requirements of the provisions of the constitution, an awareness of the conspiracies of the enemies of Islam, both internal and external, vis-à-vis the future of the Islamic system, an appreciation of vigilance to abort any adverse attempt, in view of prevailing internal and external circumstances, and finally assimilating the sublime and divine contents of the Will of the late Imam Khomeini, the Council of Experts, in its meeting of 4th June, 1989, has elected His Eminence Ayatollah Sayyid Khamenei Leader of the System of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a majority of four fifths of members attending the meeting, sixty votes for, out of seventy-four present".

  • Ayatollah Bani Fadhl, member of the Council of Experts and leading cleric in Qum, said that the fourteen members who did not give their votes to Sayyid Khamenei did not have any reservations as to whether or not he was suitable for the position, rather they were advocating a collective style of leadership with as-Sayyid al-Khamanie at the helm.

  • During his wise leadership he has succeeded in discharging his responsibilities in the best manner and steers the revolution on the same pristine path trodden by the late Imam Khomeini It is no wonder for he is one of the disciples of the Imam. In this respect he says, "The guidelines of the revolution are those outlined by the Imam. The greedy, cold-hearted and naive enemy mistakenly believed that, in the absence of the Imam, a new era in new outposts different to that of the Imam would emerge. How wrong they proved to be. Imam Khomeini is an ever-living reminder, his name is the standard of the revolution, his path is the path of revolution, and his aims and objectives are those of the revolution".

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