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Dua Alqama (English)

This Dua is to be recited after Ziyarat e Ashura . Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) recited this dua after reciting Ziyarat e Ashura. This was reported by a companion of his called Alqama bin Muhammad Hazari. The Dua is therefore known as Dua Alqama.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

O Allah! send Your blessings on Muhammad and his Ahlulbayt

O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

O He who answers the cries of the distressed

O He who removes anguish from the grief stricken

O He who comes to the help of those who call out

O He who brings relief to those who cry out for help

O He who is nearer to me than my jugular vein

O He who makes peace between the heart and the mind

O He who is searched for in the highest and clearest perspectives

O He who is The Kind and The Merciful in His authority

O He who knows what the secretive eye betrays and what the secretive heart conceals

O He whom none can deceive even in secret

O He to whom the intermingled voices of all the callers does not stop Him from answering each one individually

O He who is not put into confusion by the infinite number of needy,

attending to each one individually

O He who does not get upset by the pleading of petitioners

O He who reaches and takes hold of everything that tries to escape

O He who keeps together in harmony

O He who examines the souls when they present themselves before Him after death

O He who each day has a distinct glory

O the fulfiller of needs

O He who gives comfort in distress

O He who satisfies those who ask

O He who stands by and looks after those who call Him

O He who supports those who strive in His way

O He who suffices everything

And nothing in the heavens or earth is free from His hold

I ask You, in the name of the last of the Prophets - Muhammad, and the commander of mu'mineen - Ali, And I ask You in the name of the daughter of Your messenger - Fatima,

and in the name of Hasan and Husein,

I direct myself towards You, through them in this state,

And through them I ask for a hearing and through

their intercession I put forward my case,

In their names I make a request to You and

I promise to live a life according to Your commands,

and I will carry out my promise by every means,

And with Your Love for them,

And their status with You,

And their excellence over all others in the worlds,

And through Your names You have revealed to them in trust,

And that You have selected them in preference over all the worlds

And their perfection and excellence in knowledge over all the inhabitants of the worlds

I ask You to send blessings on Muhammad and his Ahlulbayt

And remove my sorrows, anxieties, and problems,

Let me be sufficiently instructed in dealing with my affairs,

And carry out and fulfil my duties,

And set me free from poverty and hunger,

And let me have enough to live on,

free from the need to turn to other creatures,

Let me be an adequate match for him who creates trouble for me,

And foil the plan of one whom I fear will trouble me

Let him who I fear will annoy me come to grief,

And expose the one who wishes to slander me,

And defeat the plot of the one who plots against me

And act against one who wishes to treat me unjustly

Take me into Your custody to keep safe from one who wishes to manipulate me

And exercise Your authority on the one who wishes to rule over me

And outsmart the one who wishes to deceive me

Deal with the one who wishes to oppress me

Keep away from me the deceit of the vindictive and mischief makers

O Allah! destroy the intentions of one who wishes to destroy me,

And outwit the one who plans against me,

Keep away from me the deceit and the scheming

And hostility, and keep me aloof, refusing to have anything

to do with the schemer in whatever manner or occasion.

O Allah! divert his attention from me involving himself in his own troubles

And in his own misfortunes, which will not be easy to deal with

And engross in laziness which You will not change into fruitful activity,

And in disgrace from which You will not lift him/her

And in poverty which You will not relieve,

O Allah! let he/she be disgraced

And let there be emptiness in every effort he/she makes,

Let him/her evil intentions affect his/her body and soul,

go that his/her attention is diverted away from me

Make him/her think no more of me as he/she has neglected You

Take away from me and divert his/her hearing, sight, speech, hands, legs, and heart and everything else on himself/herself

Let everything he/she does go to waste and be incomplete

Until he/she is fully occupied and does not get time to pay attention to me

Grant enough to me,

O He who satisfies for there is none other than You who suffices

Indeed You alone satisfy;

There is none other than You who satisfies

It is You who dispels the clouds of sorrow

No one else but You can dispel sorrow from the grief stricken

None but You comes to the aid of the caller when he/she calls for help

You are always near to avert the danger

He/she is in loss who relies on others besides You

He/she is in loss who calls on others besides You

He/she is in loss who looks for a supporter besides You

He/she is in loss who cries for help to one other than You

He/she is in loss who takes refuge in a place other than with You

He/she is in loss who tries to bring himself/herself a place of safety with assistance of other creatures

You are my trust, my hope, my retreat, my refuge, and my security

Therefore, I call for Your help and Your support to carry out my affairs

Through Muhammad and his Ahlulbayt

I present myself before You and ask for their intercession

So, I implore You, O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

For You alone belongs all praise and all thankfulness

You alone are the one who listens to complaints and You alone are called on for help

So, I implore You, O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

In the name of Muhammad and his Ahlulbayt

Send blessings on Muhammad and his Ahlulbayt

And dispel the sorrow, anxieties and problems in my present state,

Just as You dispelled the sorrows,

anxieties and problems of Your messenger

Free me just as You freed him,

Let me be free of cares just as You freed him of cares

Let me have enough just as You gave him enough

Dispel the terror, which frightens me

Dispel the troubles that burden me

Dispel the anxieties that worry me freeing me from their effects

Make me use whatever means I have at my disposal to carry out my affairs

Make me not anxious about my affairs in this world and in the hereafter

O Commander of the faithful, and O Aba Abdillah

I ask Allah to send on you His blessings for the rest of my nights and days and forever

May Allah not make this pledge of close association with You my last

And may Allah not separate me and both of you from one another

O Allah! Let me live my life like that of Muhammad and his descendants

And die as they left the world

And let me die on their creed

And raise me along with those on their side

Do not separate me from them, even for a moment (blinking of the eyelid) ever, in this world nor in the hereafter

O Commander of the faithful and O Aba Abdillah

I come nearer to You to establish a close relationship and

thereby seek nearness to Allah, my Lord and Your Lord

Through you I direct my self to Him

And request you to intercede for me putting my wishes before Allah

Please speak well of me as your status with Allah is praised status and your presence preferential .....

Indeed I turned everywhere and could find none but you to assist in fulfilling my wishes

And the order and safety from Allah through your intercession for this

Let me not turn away (from the truth) so that I may be at a loss

But let me turn towards You so that I may be successful and direct me towards Your orders in all matter

And turn me to what Allah wills

And there is no power or strength except with Allah

I direct my affairs to Allah, knowing that anything I overlook will be looked after by Allah

I entrust Allah with my affairs

And I say: Allah is sufficient and enough for me Allah hears he/she who calls Him

There is nothing for me which is in opposition to Allah and you - O my leaders

Ultimately that which Allah wills takes place and that which

He does not will does not take place

And there is no power nor strength except with Allah

I have come to both of you with love motivated by Allah

May Allah not make this pledge of closeness to you my last

I take advantage, O my leader, O Commander of the faithful, O my mawla

And you, O Aba Abdillah, O my leader, my salaams upon you

and affection throughout my remaining nights and days forever

Without ever separating from you, if Allah wills

And I ask Him through you, that He will it

Indeed it is He who is All- Praiseworthy....

I turn to you, O my Leader repentant (for my past ignorance),

praising and thanking Allah

Hopeful for fulfilment of wishes,

not giving up and never despairing

Hoping to be near you, coming back again and again

to do your ziyara never wanting to be away from you, if Allah wills

And there is no power nor strength except with Allah

O any leaders! I long for you and your ziyara though those engrossed in the world may be indifferent

May Allah not deprive me of what I hope for and grant me your ziyara

Indeed He is near and answers (duas).

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