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Recommended places to visit in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Courtesy of Al-Islam Web Site. Click Here to find out more.

Mashad al-Muqaddas, (Province of Khorasan)

Pilgrimage sites :

1. Mausoleum of 8th Imam Ali b. Musa al-Rida, peace be upon him

2. Tomb of Khwaja Aba Salat Harvi

3. Tomb of Imamzada Sultan Ahmed [a]

4. Tomb of Sayyid Ahmed Kabir

5. Tomb of Shaykh Bahauddin Ameli

6. Tomb of Mohamed ibn Hasani Alhuri Ameli

7. Tomb of Abu Ali Hazal ibn Hasan Al-Tibrasi

8. Tomb of Khwaja Murad

9. Tomb of Khwaja Rabi'I

Historic sites :

  • Masjid Gowhar shad
  • Museum/Library in the Haram of Imam al-Rida, peace be upon him
  • Tomb of Nader Shah
  • Statue of Nader Shah
  • Tombs of Attar and Kamalul Mulk
  • Tomb of Omar Khayyam
  • Semnan Jameh mosque
  • Mahruq shrine
  • Aryamehr Park
  • Tomb of Ferdowsi
  • Statue of Ferdowsi
  • Tomb of Shahrokh Mirza Afshar


    Pilgrimage sites :

    1. Mausoleum of Fatima bint Musa [a]

    (Daughter of 7th Imam [a]. Well-known as Bibi Masooma Qum [a].)

    2. Masjid Imam Hasan al-Askari, peace be upon him.

    ( Near the mausoleum of Bibi Masooma. )

    3. Tomb of Aqa Burujardi (the marja before Ayatullah Mohsin al-Hakim)

    (Inside the Haram of Bibi Masooma.)

    4. Mausoleum of Prophet Yunus [a] - near the river

    5. Masjid Jamkaran

    (Built in 393 AH under orders of the 12th Imam [a]. This is outside Qum.)


    Pilgrimage sites :

    1. Mausoleum of Shah Abdul Azim [a]

    2. Tomb of Abdul Qasim son of Imam Musa al-Kadhim [a] (7th Imam)

    3. Tomb of Imamzada Musa [a]

    4. Tomb of Imamzada Shah Tahir [a]

    5. Koh-e-Bibi Shahrbanu [a]

    6. Tomb of Shaykh Saduq "Baabawayh"

    (This is near the mausoleum of Shah Abdul Azim [a]. Shaykh Saduq was one of the greatest Shi'a Alims to have ever lived. He is said to have been born with the prayers of the 12th Imam Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him.)

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