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Justas 2001 will be hosted once again in Ponce!!
This year during April 2 and April 8. Come and Enjoy the wild party!
Las Justas 2001 serán de nuevo en la ciudad de Ponce!!
Este año seran durante la semana del 2 al 8 de abril!! Ven y disfruta de la loquera!

April 5, 2001 (Thursday)<><><> April 6, 2001 (Friday)<><><> April 7, 2001 (Saturday)

Three days of music and parties with the station DJ's and live bands.
Radio Stations:
La Mega <><><> Cosmos 94 <><><> KQ 105

View Pictures of Las Justas of the past!!
Justas 1999
Justas 2000

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