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What items can I Recycle?
Old mail, paper for writing, computer paper, fax paper, copies and notebooks, labels of paper, cardboard packages and bags, boxes of shoes and cereal boxes (take out the lining and fold it). If it is windy, put part of the papers in a paper stock and rest it against something to avoid that they get dispersed.
Neither towels, plates or paper or cardboard napkins are accepted.

Clean newspapers, supplements and announcements. If it is windy, put part of newspapers in a paper bag to avoid that they get dispersed. The plastic bags are not accepted that come with newspapers. Glass bottles: All the colors are accepted. Try not to break the glass. Crystal of windows, windshield, Pyrex, light bulbs, mirrors or ceramics are NOT accepted.
Tins of aluminum, tin plate tins and aluminum paper: Take out their labels (recycle the labels with the rest of the papers). Rinsing the tins of aluminum and tin plate, squish them and recycle along with the rest of aluminum products. Oil filters, air cleaners or tins of aerosol are NOT accepted.

Plastic bottles: They can be of any color and number. You can leave the labels. Reject all the plugs, covers, curtains ring and pumps to pressure. Kitchen: Of milk, water, refreshments and juice, Ketchup, mustard, oil of kitchen and detergents. Bathroom: Of champú, soap, cosmetics, medicines, solution for contact lenses and products for the cleaning bathroom. Laundry: Of detergents, conditioner of clothes, products of cleaning. Garage: fluid for cleaning the windshields.

They are NOT accepted: Plastics: Buckets, toys. Plastics: Covers and envelopes, films, bags, pipes, molded plastic, styrene foam, rubber foam, cardboard isolation, papers and packages for milk or juice with plastic covering. Plastics: Oil packages of motor, antifreezes, dissolvents, pesticidas or dangerous materials.
It is possible to recycle most of the plastic bottles. Nevertheless, sometimes it is not possible to recycle them all, due to the changing conditions of the market.

Other reciclables products put them next to their containers, not within them.

( Locate the Drop-off center in your town )

PR / The Next Generation
PR / La Nueva Generación
