The Pond in Spring 2007
"Contemporary art is also the victim of its own ancestral success as modern art. Simply put, contemporary art isn't underground and radical anymore, like its early-modernist great-grandparents were. It survived an abusive childhood, grew up, got rich and became the putatively transgressive arm of the entertainment and fashion industries... These days, ambitious young artists tend to follow academic theoreticians rather than lead them, and consequently, they make art that deliberately and often ironically looks more like just another kernel of corn in the succotash of "visual culture". --Peter Plagens NY in Art in America Feb. 07
(We of course know where the underground art is and it's where it should be--just under the noses of mainsteam critics; in places where they won't go and in forms they don't recognize.
Amen brother to the gist of what is being said here by the highly astute Mr. Plagens. I’ve gone to countless shows thinking I’d review / feature them here only to come back both empty handed and uninspired.)